
God of Protection & Healing

Contego was created by Ferrum in order to protect and heal the innocents from the ravages of war. Ferrum understood the wars he created, no matter how just, would ultimately cause pain, death and create innocent refugees. Contego is responsible for the protection of these innocents.   Contego is strong willed and vigilant but he also possesses a great deal of compassion for any innocent virtuous being that is in danger or pain.

Divine Domains

Life, Divine

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Short Sword

Tenets of Faith

The Three Swords  
  • Sword of Protection: Protect the meek and innocent.
  • Sword of Defense: Defend against evil. Specifically, creatures of the undead.
  • Sword of Enlightenment: Advocate and propagate the tenents of the order.
Divine Classification
Lesser God
Lawful Good
Requirements of the Priesthood:   Patron God of Clerics  
  • Alignment: Lawful Good