

Kapal is the capital of both Kiduel and Cahayaan and is ruled by King Ricard Saxum. The city itself is Aristocracy with a three Greater Lords and five Lesser Lords making up the King's inner circle. The Greater Lords have installed a Mayor and small council made up of seven council members. These city officials are mostly honorific and answer to the lords who inturn answer to the King.


Kapal is bordered by a small strait of water to the east. A small navy patrols the harbor. The main quarters of the city are surrounded by a large stone wall with gaurd and outlook towers. The city is defeded by a large city gaurd of approximately 160 soldiers, a city watch of 100 deputies. Outside of the watch is a small border patrol of approximately 30 deputies.

Industry & Trade

Kapal is a robust port city with moderate trade routes. A small fishing industy also exists out of the harbor. Agriculture, livestock are also a large part of Kapal's economy. Large quarries can be found to the south of Kapal with stone, brick and marble also being a big export. The mason's of Kapal are consider the best in all of Pharus.


Stone walls surround the main quarters of the city. Inside these walls most buildings are made from stone and brick with the occasional wooden structure. Beyond the walls the construction is newer and usually constructed out of wood.


Located on the southeast coast of Seradestina, the city lies on the border between Kiduel and Cahayaan and serves as the capital for both regions.

A canal cuts from the harbor through the city out to the farms. This is to provide irrigation for the farmlands and orchards that lie beyond the city.


Dry to temparate.

Natural Resources

Stone and Marble. Fishing. Agriculture and Livestock.
Location under
Additional Rulers/Owners
The World of Pharus