
Kiduel along with the Cahayaan region to the east are ruled by King Ricard Saxum. Under his rule, the regions have been a slowly growning, prospurous and safe state. Due to this stability the Saxum Family is popular among it's citizens. The capital of the two regions is the coastal city of Kapal.

The regions are on good terms with the Marnor kingdom that rules the Fuestran region to the west. Relations with the Vilkors' kingdom in the east region of Bolmek are more tense. The Saxum and Vilkors families have a long standing rivalry, with the Cahayaan region under dispute. Fortuneately, to this point, war has been avoided.


Kiduel is bordered by Fuestan and the Cyan River to the west with Cahayaan and the Long River bordering the east. The Jewel Straight borders the south. The region is made up largely of Forrest with a small area of plains and large grouping of hills to the south.


Temperate to dry.

Fauna & Flora

Coniferous and deciduous trees. Grasslands. Desert plants.

Natural Resources

Stone, Marble, lumber. Fishing. Agriculture and Livestock.
Location under
Included Locations
Owning Organization
The World of Pharus