
Goddess of Defense

Munio was created by Lumen to defend against and thwart evil with the intention that minor skirmishes are contained to prevent great wars whenever possible.   Munio is serious and thoughtful. She is also understanding and never judgmental. She is always able to see both sides of a conflict and appreciates that not everything is black and white. She will always defend the side that she deems to be in the greatest right.

Divine Domains

War, Light

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Long Sword

Tenets of Faith

The Three Swords  
  • Sword of Protection: Protect the meek and innocent.
  • Sword of Defense: Defend against evil. Specifically, creatures of the undead.
  • Sword of Enlightenment: Advocate and propagate the tenents of the order.
Divine Classification
Lesser God
Lawful Neutral
Requirements of the Priesthood:   Patron God of the Paladins of the Sword  
  • Alignment: Lawful Good, Lawful neutral