Priszila Crowborne

Princess Priszila Crowborne

Princess Priszila Crowborne is an esotric and enigmatic Prince. She is the descentant of Princes and Princesses that have married the Dreamer and Ship Cultist Faiths together. She wears many masks that obsurce her face, only her golden hair and pale neck are visbile to common onlookers. In doing so almost no one except perhaps some of palace staff know what she looks like behind the mask.
There have been no coronations held since the mid 51st century in Crowborne, And the Princess has always been a blonde woman named Priszila who's face is hidden by a Spacer Mask. The obvious rumor say that the Princesses is an aspect of not one, but each Spacer god and immortal.
There have been many rumors of Pirncess Crowborrne's abilities and activities, the most pedestrian being that she departs the she sometimes departs the palace as a masked commoner and walks the stress of Somnus seeing sights and having adventures unknown to other great Princes and Princesses. While the more lurid rumors cite that she can appear anywhere with many Crowborne Ship Captains confessing to having been struck by the sudden appearance of Princess Crowborne aboard their vessel while participating in a critical mission.
Holding Court is a queer occasion as well. Rumors speak of confusing and misdirecting whispers, confronting a throne with a doll onit, or half a dozen thrones each with a blonde masked woman sitting upon it. Even the normal courtly occasions can be strange with Princess Crowborne departing part way through and if tales are true appearing half way across the Frontier.
Most recently Princess Priszila's reign of Crowborne has been a mostly hands off affair, few regulations or changes, Crowborne's isolation from the other princes is a well bedded in affair now, the minor princes mostly take care of things with their own militias performing the duties of blockading Andirral and maintaining a watchful gaze on Maxdel and Heanthugs borders.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The printed histories of Crowborne indicate that Priszila was born in the early years of the 5000s, with the last coronation being held near 5050. Beyond that little is truely known of Princess Crowborne's youth.


Princess Crowborne has never taken a husband as far as all rumor has told. No history indicates a marriage, nor has there been a Crown Prince's throne on Somnus for the last 300 years.
Current Location
Long, Blonde
Crowborne Faith
Ruled Locations


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