The Crowborne Realms

Crowborne space is a large central region bordered by the most other houses, Maxdel to the east, Abiloit and Andirral to the north, Heanthugs to the west, and finally Lomavillers to the south. With access to these several other houses trade has historically been rich, with many foreign vessels having traveled its border. This trade made Crowborne rich and well visited.

Crowborne's capital on Somnus is a work of natural beauty and visited regularly by pious individuals of every strata of the social order. This meeting of the two cultures had created sometime back a new religion as a synthesis of Dreamer and Spacer faiths. Once this new faith drove into the ruling elites deeply enough for them to eventually reject the other houses as close allies, seeking closer ties with commoners, pointing to nobles of other houses as forsaking the entities of the galaxy and obsessed with only decadent beauty. The trade began to dry up as both sides stopped negotiating new treaties. Now instead of vast convoys heading along Crowborne routes, one would see regular shipping from smaller independent traders, captains that don't owe allegiance to any great house but instead trade for their own benefit, these no make up the life blood of the Crowborne economy.

With out military alliances most Crowborne minor houses have ramped up their own local navies, the funding for such fleets coming from the privilege's to enlist the ships for a cut in tax rates for the owning house. Along side these small local armies the ranks of common independent captains are thick, most port authorities aren't too suspicious of the origins of cargo and if a vessel comes in without a manifest issues can be resolved with a nominal payment. Only Lomavilliers are considered a more flexible import agency

Crowborne Captains are known for skill and tenacity, while serving their house or working on their own the shared bonds of faith make Crowborne captains and crews closer than most other house navies, and willing to put up greater fights against longer odds. Outside of Crowborne the captains and officers have a reputation as almost friendly and easy going, with the exception of those under control of a high noble, there the demands of their faith compel them to keep foreign captains at arms length

Crowbone played no active part in the Andirral revolt, and no central navy was mobilized, instead both Andirral and Crowborne raiders jumped across the borders to snatch up cargo and information, this kept up until Abiloit and Maxdel seduced the other houses into signing the emargo act against Andirral. The Crowborne house signed the agreement to further increase barriers to trade to other houses, preferring central noble houses to instead rely on independent captains, as they do.

Crowborne, to a lesser degree than many of the other houses relies on the massive Maxdel industry to provide for many of the more manufactured goods, they suffered very little as the Maxdels pushed Tariffs up throughout Mikael Maxdel's Princeship, but conversely they have not benefited much from the opportunity either.
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Owning Organization


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