
In the 4800s Rtascur was a thriving trade port and manufacturing work with industries spread across many cities and towns, a population near a million. The Ranet fleet blockaded the planet during the Crowborne Crusade and destroyed every single orbital station and satellite, before sending in thousands of Soldiers to pacify the Crusaders that held up on the planet.   Afterwards the new Crowborne branch revoked the charter and abandoned the planet along with many other border way stations that supported the crusade - Rtascur was left as a mineral poor world fit only for agricultural work. Cruel Barons established them selves as the new ruling families and waged war against each other until only the former capital remained. Around one hundred years ago an order of monks chased out the barons and took over ruling the world.   For years the monks worked to bring peace and let the world survive. Until Raye Jenet returned the last surviving members of the Barons to power... Now Rtascur works to reintegrate into the local trade lanes, already earning a name with Maxdel to the east as a bastion for pirates, and with internal struggles beginning to emerge, the last of the Barons delicately holds on to power and the dream of a resurgent Rtascur


Rtascur is a world covered in inland lakes and swamps - plantlife grows quickly and abundantly. Low hills dot the worlds as it's highest peaks, and shallow lakes. In the 49th century when the planet was still a trading hub the world was covered in cities each owned by a low noble who oversaw large estates and plantations. By the 54th century the population had declined such that only the capital city remained inhabited with small outlying hamlets.   Outside of the Capital are massive farms growing cotton, flax, rice, beans and corn. With many more smaller harvests of other crops grouped together.


The natural ecosystem of Rtascur consists of varried swampland creatures and vegitation. Thanks to the low gravity of the world and stable climate these trees easily grow hundreds of meters tall. Down below small rodents scurry between the trees eating the nuts and seeds, and aligator like creatures stalk the waters snatching any animal that gets too close while drinking.

Natural Resources

While abundant with plant and animal life Rtascur is almost completely barren of metals, even the asteroid belt in space above the planet is noteably low in metals.


Rtascur was surveyed in 1080 IE by Maxdel explorers but the planet was not selected for colonization due to it's low metals content.
Rtascur was again surveyed by Crowborne pilgrims in 3820 IE and colonized in 3850 IE as a military output due to a border conflict with Maxdel raging during that time.
Rtascur was abandoned in 3875 IE by the Crowborne as their attention shifted away from the Eastern border.
  Rtascur was colonized by a high noble in 4370 and transformed into a powerful trade hub, and textile mill. Several low nobles flocked to the planet attempting to cut into the market each creating their own plantations and weaver colleges. Several orbitals were assembled to handle the trade volume.
  Rtascur became a home-base to a large Crusader fleet in the 4800s where it's benefited greatly from the conquests into southern Maxdel - but when the Crusade turned against the Crowborne as Ranet fleets pacified the planet and left, the nobles who could fled the planet - and those that remained eventually began a civil war to reestablish a dominance of the planet. Eventually after several centuries of fighting only the capital remained and the administration belonged to an order of Spacer monks, they feared a return of the nobles who used to rule the planet.
In 5330 Raye Jenet oversaw a coup of the monastic order and reestablished the noble ruler Ayden Fox - the last of the surviving line of Barons who used to rule the planet.
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Ruling/Owning Rank
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