Waddiche Academy

Purpose / Function

The Waddiche Academy is a centralized location where experts in the field of Flume Crystal, Ether Energy, Limbo, and Avatars research advancing Earth's knowledge of the new fields. The Academy also functions as home to many Avatars and the United Nations Flume Devision.


The massive complex is constructed with the newest technologies and continues to advance in design by including more and more flume gems directly into the architecture.


Though not its full intention the Academy also functions as the first response area for the Flume Crystal. Thus the grounds house many state-of-the-art defense capabilities and house numerous Avatars with immense combat capabilities.


The Waddiche Academy was built as a continued expansion of a smaller lab led by the Waddiche researchers after the call from limbo in preparation for the first journey to make contact with Freit. It continued to grow in purpose as the need for more research was needed, political parties got involved, and military-like training grew.


It takes special clearance or permission to get into much of Terra Dvaar let alone the Academy itself. Press tours do happen but the people allowed in the academy are restricted to those that are essential.
Founding Date
College / Academy
Parent Location
Characters in Location
Related Tradition (Primary)


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