Gao Xuan (GOW Shu-eN)

Commander Gao

Physical Description

Special abilities

Gao Xuan has a Conductivity rating of .53.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Once the Commander of the Avatar Units for Manon De’Salves - Rose Bird, Gao Xuan is now tasked with Commanding the high Ether Conductivity team newly formed.

They have overseen the training of these new members since finding them over the past year and a half.


Gao Xuan has two master's degrees, one in Avatar/ Ether studies and one in Homeland Security and Emergency Management. They were top of their class through all of their schoolings and went to schools in France, America, and Japan.


Commander at Waddiche Academy

Accomplishments & Achievements

Gao Xuan is one of the few Commanders to have discovered new runes for codexes. They were the Commander of Manon De’Salves and is credited with bringing the highest Capacity Avatar to their current status.

Failures & Embarrassments

Gao Xuan blames themselves greatly for the loss of their Avatar Unit in Outer Plane 5.

Personality Characteristics

Personality Quirks

Gao Xuan is a known lover of food. They often are found eating snacks from all across the world.
They also are an avid multitasker often coming across as distracted of scattered but in reality, is extremely talented and focused.
Gao Xuan is also the owner of a Great Dane named Pocket, who they take nearly everywhere.
Current Status
Commander of the Newest Avatars
Current Location
Date of Birth
April 18
Current Residence
Terra Dvaar
138 lb
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Chinese, English, Japanese, Bable, French, Malagasy


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