Gavin Powers

Mr. Powers

Gavin Powers is one of the many PR personnel hired at Waddiche Academy. In the past, he has been part of teams that handle general publicity for the Academy as a whole, and worked specifically on a project for public relationtions involving the response to the Second Invasion. Two years ago he began to set his eyes to working more specifically with individual Avatars or Avatar Units. His quick thinking skills has landed him the opportunity to be the primary PR for the newest Unit involving the highest Ether capacity Avatars the Academy has seen.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Mr. Powers was born in Augusta, Georgia to a middle-class family with a mother in the marines and a civilian father who worked as a local club bouncer. His childhood was spent moving from one US base to another until leaving for College in Texas. He grew talents as a charismatic talker and took to the occupation of Public Relations. His goals were ever set high and his talents matched so when he decided he wanted to work with the Waddich Academy he succeeded. He is especially interested in getting a chance to meet with Manon De’Salves - Scarlet Canary.

One thing that makes Mr. Powers stand out from his peers is a unconventional risk taking that is only possible due to his calculated quick thinking.
Augusta, Georgia US


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