Questions for Earth

People of Earth taken as Prisoners:

  • The Second Invasion of Earth resulted in the loss of human lives but what's been more unsettling is the scientist and Avatars from Earth that seem to have been taken by the invaders.
  • What is the reason for taking these captives?
  • How do we find the Slip Gate for the invaders' world?
  • What kind of forces will we need to rescue those taken?

More Invasions to come:

  • With 2 invasions already happened, is there a threat of more, and from stronger threats?
  • Do we have the defenses to fight back those further invasions?
  • Is there more we can do to prepare for these future attacks?
  • Can we determine where attacks may be coming from?
  • What was the purpose and end goal of the invasions?

Connecting to other planes means connecting to other peoples:

  • How do we discover more about new planes?
  • How can we build trust or relations with other planes?
  • Is there a way to create trade with other planes?

Other planes mean other resources:

  • What can be gained from these other planes?
  • Who gets to decide what we get to do with other planes?
  • Who gets to decide where the riches that could be gained from other planes go?
  • What sort of world balance could this new access to resources mean?
  • Who is paying for this research and what are they getting for it?

Ether is a powerful resource, but what are its limits:

  • What are the capabilities of Ether?
  • What are the limits on Avatar?
  • What kind of research can we do to find these answers?
  • Freit was a huge step in understanding, can we find them again?

The Questions Continue:

  • How does our understanding of our plane and its history change because of the knowledge of Ether and Limbo?
  • How are the religions of the World comprehending or managing the existence of this new knowledge?


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