
The Nameless One and Esmae of the Flowers first med Arvid at the Gathering Dust Bar.   He was dressed as one of The Dustmen, but as TNO approached him one of his Tattoos flashed.   Esmae gave him a flower and he joined the Ka-tet. They went on to discover the other members Dak'kon, and Eilana.   At the Smouldering Corpse Bar, its owner Drusilla, askes Arvid to bring her love, Ignis, back from his existence as an eternally burning corpse.   In a conversation with Dhall, when the Ka-Tet returned to the Mortuary seeking information about TNOs previous travel companions, he says to Arvid: “A would call Dark One, Forsaken, but that honour belongs to your Lord, does it not? Of course, time has robbed your of your memory, as it has for all of you, who follow in the wake of the corpse and the shadows he leaves behind. In your case at least, I can bestow a measure of clarity. Attend”.   Dhall beckoned for Arvid to come closer and the pages of the large tome in which Dhall had been writing shimmered and blurred. The rest of the Ka-Tet unconsciously came closer so they also could read what the scribe had written. When the text cleared, they commenced to read and their reading went beyond mere words into shadowed visions of the past ......“once the greatest servant of the Light, he looked into the heart of the Dark and tumbled into despair. ‘Betrayer of Hope’ they named him, and he served the nameless Imprisoned God, the Lord of the Grave, who even now strived to bring an end to this world, and all the worlds, and usher in the Eternal Night”   Whilst searching the secret libarary and treasure room of the late Pharod, Arvid was overwhelmed by a charm spell, set to trap one of the tomes therein. His focus became solely to take possesion of a gen upon which the charm was centred, and he rabidly protected it from his fellow Ka-Tet. The party attempted to restrain him, but he escaped via the use of a well timed Misty Step spell, and fled into the Buried Village.   He has not been seen since, and his whereabouts remain a mystery.


Impossible to tell as he is an elf, silly !
Totally black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization