The Dustmen

"The Dead"

The Dustmen are a Sigil faction responsible for processing corpses brought to The Mortuary by The Collectors.   The Dusties are caretakers, and are not in themselves yet dead.   Also known as “the Dead”, they believe that both life and death are false states of existence, that there is a state of True Death which can only be accomplished by denying one's emotions and physical wants and needs (a conception similar to eternal oblivion, but also conceivably to Nirvana).


Philosophy: These guys say "Life’s a joke, a great trick. Nobody’s alive; in fact, there’s no such thing as Life. Sure, the petitioners are dead compared to the rest of us, but everybody else is dead, too –they just don’t know it yet".   So what’s the chant? Simple: “All these worlds and all these universes are just shadows of another existence.” This multiverse the Prime Material, the Inner, and the Outer Planes, is where beings wind up after they die. Look, if things were truly alive, would there be such pain and misery in the multiverse?


The Dustmen are one of the oldest factions –in fact, many say it is the oldest faction. No one but one man is quite sure how true this may be –and that one man is the faction’s founder, current –and only –factol, the lich Skall.   The Dustmen are generally a grim, unemotional, unmoving lot, and no history of the faction exists because they care more for endings than for beginnings.It is this very boringness, however, that has made them so benign in the eyes of the other factions, thus ensuring the Dead’s survival throughout Sigil’s history.   Or it could well be that Skall’s patience as an undead lich is immortal, and his plans move so torpidly slowly they will not unfold for millennia. Only the Archdukes of Hell have such patience and vision, and they’re not criticizing the faction for anything.

Everyone is dead. Purge your passions, and in so doing, ascend toward the purity of True Death.

Political, Faction / Party
Alternative Names
The Dead
Notable Members