The Receiving Room Logbook

Mortuary Receiving Room Logbook:   This huge log book lists The Mortuary procedures in a tight, crabbed script:
  • All shells entering the Mortuary are to be delivered to the Receiving Room and logged with the scribe Dhall on duty before being embalmed or cremated ...
  • The records are to be checked to determine if the shell is one of The Contracted, and if so, do not prepare the shell. Move the shell to one of the Preparation Rooms, contact the scribe on duty, and notify him that a Contracted shell is to be Raised ...
  • Be certain that a shell is thoroughly stripped of its possessions before being sent to the Preparation Rooms. The Contracted workers are intended for simple manual labour and do not have the capacity to search and strip a shell ...
  • The faction is not responsible for any possession lost or items stolen by Collectors who have brought shells to the Mortuary ...
  • The shell’s possessions are to be stored in the Receiving Room until an Initiate can be sent to claim them. Please catalogue all possessions in the log book ...
  Following this list is thousands of entries of bodies that have been sent to the Receiving Room, but The Nameless One - a.k.a. 'TNO' notices that the last page has been cut out ...   The missing page was found nailed to a nearby Zombie and read:
  • 16537: 5 th Night: Drunk – Chest Wound – Cause of Death: Mauling/Abishai? – Collector: Pox – 3 Commons Paid – No possessions.
  • 16538: 5 th Night: Desiccated Corpse – Cause of Death: Indeterminable – Age of Shell prevents identification* – Collector Pharod – 3 Commons Paid – No possessions (Stripped? Knife marks evident from dissection).
  • 16539: 5 th Night: Scarred Shell – Cause of Death: Indeterminable (scars do not appear to be the cause of death – shock trauma?) – Collector Pharod – 3 Commons Paid – Possessions Logged: – Fist Irons – Thirteen Commons – Middle Table, Receiving Room.
  • 16540: 5 th Night: Desiccated Corpse #2 – Cause of Death: Indeterminable – Age of Shell prevents identification* – Collector Pharod – 3 Commons Paid – Possessions Logged: Knife marks evident from dissection, but the dissection was not thorough enough – Copper earring found lodged in abdomen; earring has been locked in Southeast Preparation Room. Have an Initiate from the Third Circle examine it; it has strange markings like those on Contracted Worker #79.
  • 16541: 5 th Night: Skeleton – Cause of Death: Indeterminable – Age of Shell prevents identification* – Collector Pharod – 3 Commons Paid – No possessions (Stripped? Knife marks evident from dissection). As with the previous entries, these shells Pharod has brought also shows signs of having been prepared. I have asked that Initiate Emoric launch an investigation into the matter. Furthermore, Entry 16542 is one of Pharod’s gang. I have seen the individual before – I would ask Emoric to pay heed to how the man died.
  • 16452: 5 th Night: Tiefling, Male – Cause of Death: slash marks/discolouration of wounds are consistent with grave rot (ghoul claws?) – Collector Pharod – 3 Commons Paid – No possessions (Stripped? Knife marks evident from dissection)
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