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Corruption of Creation

Celestial / Cosmic


During the Age of Creation Oreio - Goddes of Chaos slowly started to corrupt Eda - Goddes of Creation and her creations.

The Age of Creation dawned upon Pludeo with an awe-inspiring spectacle. Under the nurturing hand of Eda - Goddes of Creation, the world burgeoned with life and vitality. Creatures of all kinds roamed the land, and flora and fauna thrived in harmonious splendor. Her sisters, Garomi - Goddes of Destruction and Xilerxi - Goddes of Order, watched with bated breath, fully aware that this was just the prelude to a cosmic contest.   Eda reveled in her creative fervor. She fashioned magnificent landscapes, sculpted towering mountains, and breathed life into colossal beings that roamed her wondrous domain. The sisters understood the importance of patience, for Eda's creations needed time to multiply and evolve. While all the sisters possessed the power of creation, Eda's mastery in this art was unparalleled.   As the world blossomed under Eda's loving touch, Oreio - Goddes of Chaos, played her subtle game. She whispered into Eda's ear, her words like honeyed tendrils curling around her thoughts. "Why not add a touch of whimsy here, or perhaps a dash of unpredictability there?" At first, Oreio's suggestions seemed harmless, even enhancing the world's beauty. But over time, her influence pushed Eda down a chaotic path she could scarcely foresee.   Eda, lost in her boundless creativity, did not perceive the insidious transformation unfolding. Just as a mother might overlook her child's flaws, Eda remained blind to the growing discord within her celestial and mortal creations. Meanwhile, Oreio, like a master puppeteer, intensified the chaos in Pludeo. She sowed the seeds of discontent among the creatures, igniting conflicts that spurred Eda's insatiable drive to create even more. Each new creation bound itself more fervently to Oreio's chaotic design.   The world teetered on the precipice of imbalance, a precarious state that threatened to plunge Pludeo into untold turmoil. The Age of Creation, once a harmonious symphony of life, now echoed with the dissonance of discord, and the fate of this young world hung in the balance.

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