Ironheart Brigade



6,000 Infantry 3,000 Skirmishers 2,000 Cavalry 3,600 Support Personal


Armors supplied to troops: Padded, Hide, Chainmail, Plate, and shields. Weapons supplied: shortbows, crossbows, javelins, daggers, handaxes, swords, war hammers, pikes, and great axes. Other: Medical Kits, tents, & pickaxes.


All calvary are provided 1 riding horse and 1 pack horse. All officers are gifted 1 riding horse upon ascension to command. Every infantry squad is given 1 mule to carry basic camp equipment.


From largest to smallest it goes: Brigade, Regiment, Battalion, Company, Platoon, Squad.   Each squad is made of 10 Enlisted with 1 Senior Enlisted in charge.   Each platoon is made of 4 squads with 1 Iron officer in charge.   Each company is made of 4 platoons with 2-3 Iron officers in charge.   Each battalion is made of 5 companies. 3 combat companies, 1 support company, and 1 headquarter company. The headquarter company being in charge of the battalion.   Each regiment is made of 5 battalions. An Iron Commander would be in charge of the regiment.   The brigade has 2 regiments with roughly 9,000 personnel in total. The Ironheart is in control of the Brigade.


The Ironheart Brigade relies on their heavy infantry to hold the line while their skirmishers and cavalry can flank. The Light Infantry focuses on filling gaps, protecting skirmishers and exploiting weak points.


All Ironheart members must complete a training routine based on their company. Typically training takes roughly 1 month with regularly training drills as needed.


Logistical Support

Support Companies typically include healers, magi, artisans, and cooks. The Brigade rely on previous contacts to supply fresh mounts and food at reasonable prices.


The Brigade has never had an issue thus far finding enough contracts to fulfill upkeep, although there are plans where specific companies may pursue a more adventuring mission.


Most new recruits are former military who wish to use the same skills but make more. However, anyone can join the Brigade and be placed where their abilities can be put to best use.


Balgros Ironheart was a world-renowned mercenary who was able to amass a large enough following to form a small mercenary company. Through a couple of historic battles, the Ironheart Brigade has been able to cement themselves a reputation of fierce mercenaries who will not forsake a contract.

Historical loyalties

The Ironheart Brigade purposely stayed away from contracts by sovereign nations instead willing to be contracted through specific cities or towns to protect themselves against a great threat such as Orcish hordes, Undead, Lizardfolk, Ratmen incursions, etc.
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy

Articles under Ironheart Brigade


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