Republic of Aeroden

Demography and Population

Races: Primarily Human, some dwarves in the east, Halflings to the southwest, and wood elves in the various woods with High elves flocking to Caris.   Physical Regardless of race rural citizens tend to be slimmer and taller, city-folk stockier, and the nobility strives for a tall and elegant look. Many have a fair to tan complexion depending, with black or brown hair. Eye colors of Aerodishans are rather unique for humans and tend to reflect gemstones so, Green, Red, Blue, and sometimes Gold. It is rumored some of their ancestors mingled with the dwarves in the mountains millennia ago although dwarves refuse this claim.   Clothing: All Aerodishans regardless of status or gender typically wear tunics with a cloak or hood of some sort.   Common folk will wear tunics that while simple is quite bland. Greys, browns, and blacks are common. However, they typically add quite a bit of color and flair with their accessories and cloaks. Reds, Blues, Greens, large girdles and belts for men, and numerous earrings and decorated braids for women.   Nobility wear colorful tunics based on their allegiance or family. Their cloaks tend to be made of finer materials than the common folk and are usually colored based on Aeroden’s Heraldry (Orange, Green, Red). Noblemen typically wear subtle but expensive accessories such as rings, clasps, buckles. Whereas the woman will wear a plethora of necklaces, rings, earrings, and dyed hair.   In the Winter the nobility don lavish furs while the common folk wear numerous layers of tunics and thicker cloaks with some fur.


The Aerodish people are renowned for their mechanical weaponry. Crossbows, Ballista, trebuchets, etc. The average footsoldier will have a long polearm/Axe and carry a short hammer or mace. The few horsemen the Aerodishans employ carry javelins and light spears. Swords are not uncommon however the Aerodishans prefer to use their mechanical marvels and longer weapons to destroy enemies from afar. Greatswords are typically seen as a symbol of their past subjugators and will draw some suspicious stares to the wielder.


Most Aerodishans worship Avna and Aero. There is no god that is valued over the others in the pantheon despite the country being named after the God of knowledge and all gods are allowed to be worshiped. The only restrictions followers have to abide by is that no sentient humanoid may be sacrificed for religious purposes regardless if they agree to the sacrifice. While this rule makes many of Titon’s rituals become forbidden, this also Tiellin’s tournaments and other religious mock battles as many of his followers believe death in such an event is almost as good as dying fighting against evil. This acceptance and equality for all religions has prevented terrible religious conflicts from raging across its borders. Most faiths grudgingly accept Aeroden’s laws and focus on converting followers through peaceful means than aggressive.

Trade & Transport

Mule pulled wagons and carriages are the main means of transportation for the common folk between towns and cities. Most towns have a stable with a few messenger ponies that can be lent to the common man. Quality riding horses are rare to find and warhorses are almost nonexistent. Aerodishan horses tend to be smaller and slimmer than the average horse however they tend to be far more nimble and quicker as a result. Nobility will typically have a few riding horses which they use to travel.   Having been under Oscan rule in the past, they are a series of well-developed highways built that act as the main routes of transport.
Government System
Monarchy, Constitutional
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Mixed economy
Major Exports
Lumber, Stone, Foodstuff, Crossbows, and siege equipment are Aeroden's well-desired exports. Having been the birthplace of hand-held crossbows and their desire to innovate makes Aerodishan crossbows a fine luxury item.
Major Imports
While under Oscan rule, Aerodishans have a strong taste for Silks, Jewels, Gold, and Marble which are rare/non-existant in Aeroden.
Official State Religion
Official Languages
Controlled Territories
Notable Members


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