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The Gwenyddian culture is an ancient and spiritual race of mostly humans based in the west, closely related to the original Kernowian culture. They are nature based culture, commonly becoming druids and rangers, and considered to be the chosen people of the Old Gods.  


  Gwenyddian culture originated during the mythic age, emerging from the Proto-Keltai people, the Deal of the Grove saw the Old Gods make a pact with the king of Krowethia, Ageroth II, which saw there people allowed to live peacefully in forests and mountains away from the empire of the Giants. This allowed their culture to form in the distant parts of civilization found in their marshy and hilly homeland, errecting large monoliths and stone circles dedicated to their gods as their clan culture began to develop.   When the giants broke their deal, many Gwenyddians were enslaved whilst others fought fearlessly in the hills. The Old Gods began to form special bonds with the Gwenyddians, often integrating their souls with sickly avatars to create powerful Avatars that acted as demi-gods and leaders of their people.   The fall of Krowethia in the Mythic age saw their people liberated and given complete control over their homeland, pushing the giants into the extremes of their country. The Gwenyddians traditionally never form cities or long term settlements, often moving their towns and villages after a few generations. The only city that remained and was continuously built upon was the capital city of Pennygyntaff.   Later ages saw the Gwenyddians fall behind other cultures, their technology stuck in the iron age. This left them vulnerable to their more powerful neighbours. The city of Ceannastra was lost to the Aedrinarans, and their more distance provinces of Keltishland and Faineshire were lost to Tumbria and Westaxe respectivley. When the Eldrian Empire invaded, the Gwenyddians were completely outmatched. Despite their penchant for gureilla warfare and their homelands rough terrain, they were driven into submission within five years.   Contemporary Gwenyddian culture retains much of their origins. They still worship their gods at stone circles, and maintain their close relationship with the land. Yet the presence of the empire and their dreams of a new independence see more permanent cities and technologies be developed, as the people quickly try and catch up with the Third Age powers.  


The Gwenyddians worship the Old Gods, the first gods of humanity, at their impressive and ancient stone circles and contemporary temples. Gwenyddians acknowledge all the Gods, and outside of the Clerical orders they will rarely devout themselves to one single diety.   Some Gwenyddians have been converted to the Goose God, but this is a tiny minority compared to the traditional worshippers. Religion plays a key role amongst the people there, with common greetings and farewells invoking the blessings of the various gods in their pantheon.  


  • Human: 77%
  • Halfling: 12%
  • Gnome: 6%
  • Half-Elf 3%
  • Other 2%
  • Gwenyddian culture is prominently human, however they are an inclusive culture and they have appealed to the likes of halflings and gnomes who moved to Gwenydd generations ago and were integrated into the culture. There are notable groups of Halfling travellers who move from village to village working on the fields during harvest time, and work as circus entertainers during the rest of the year. They have a liked reputation within Gwenydd, but those not familiar with the region or culture will view them with suspicion.  


    Gwenyddians are a spiritual people bound by the world around them. Their connection with nature lends to be excellent druids and rangers, whilst their spiritual connections to their gods lends them to be adpet clerics and warlocks. They are are a firecely independent people, known for their free-spirit and conncetion with nature. They have a repuptation amongst other cultures as being forest dwelling primitives, but their adeptnivness with the bow will quickly prove others wrong.

    Naming Traditions

    Feminine names

  • Brigit
  • Órlaith
  • Derbail
  • Meaghan
  • Loughlin
  • Eeada
  • Míonait
  • Sadhbh
  • Agata
  • Saorfhlaith
  • Teleri
  • Glesni
  • Cati
  • Cristyn
  • Owena
  • Sioned
  • Leri
  • Cerys
  • Eiriol
  • Cadwyn
  • Masculine names

  • Peadar
  • Tassach
  • Árón
  • Ardghal
  • Iósaf
  • Fionghuine
  • Carraig
  • Maoilín
  • Maelsheachlainn
  • Lugaid
  • Osian
  • Sawel
  • Gowyr
  • Goronwy
  • Niclas
  • Dremidydd
  • Maldwyn
  • Newyddilyn
  • Sulwyn
  • Griff
  • Family names

  • O'Corcain
  • O'Dulchaointigh
  • Oistigin
  • O'Leannachain
  • Connmhaigh
  • Riabhaigh
  • Cartaine
  • Macdha
  • O'Maothain
  • Llewelyn
  • Cloyd
  • Gwynne
  • Scurlock
  • Cornog
  • Scurlock
  • Cadogan
  • Meredith
  • Urian
  • Poyner
  • Culture

    Major language groups and dialects

    Common (Gwenyddian dialects)
  • Eastern
  • Western
  • Halfling

    Culture and cultural heritage

    Gwenyddian culture is based around small communities. The majority of the population live rurally or work in traditional industries such as smithing or agriculture. Gwenyddians will work during the day and them traditionally visit taverns and stone circles throughout the day. Market culture is an important part of Gwenyddian life, with every village have some form of farmer's market.

    Shared customary codes and values

    Gwenyddians a friendly people, it is customary to have small talk and make new friends. A sociable group, they will often welcome travellers and adventurers with open arms. They are open to bringing people into their homes and will often host friends for drinks, with teas being the most popular choice for many.   They value freedom and choices, and find any attempt to stifle those choices. Gwenyddians speak freely, and can be seen as confrontational. Conversation and debate is considered the foundation of any relationship.

    Average technological level

    Gwenyddian culture was until the Eldrian invasion an iron age civilization. The Eldrian Invasion has lifted some of the culture out of this technological period and into the advances The Awakening has brought. Cities have begun to adopt modern industrial techniques.

    Common Etiquette rules

    It is customary to greet each other casually with a handshake. This is to show someone isn't reaching for a weapon when you greet them. Manners are very important for Gwenyddians, with apologies being considered an important part of their culture especially.

    Common Dress code

    Gwenyddians dress simply and casually. They lead manual lives, and will dress apporpraitely for that. Traditonal clan sashes and woads are common, with hair being worn down and often unkempt.

    Art & Architecture

    Gwenyddian architecture is built of wood and tradionally in roundhouse style. Fires are in he middle of the room, with branch dividers to sheild off rooms. Closer city living tends to incorprate square or hexagonal wood and stone structures, large stones plastered together with clay. The most common Gwenyddian architectural archetype is that of the stone circles, arranged in ceremonial circular styles.

    Common Customs, traditions and rituals

    Gwenyddians observe numerous festivals throughout the year, happening frequently on full moons throughout the year. The most observed tradition is around the solstice, where vast groups will gather in festivals to celebrate the transition of Arawn's transition of Godhood. Harvest festival is also widely celebrated, with wicker men being burnt out of dry hay.

    Birth & Baptismal Rites

    Babies are often blessed on the third day of life by a cleric of any faith. This is usually done in the home, or at a stone ring. This ceremony is simple with a small blessing and a spread of oil on the forehead.

    Funerary and Memorial customs

    A Gwenyddian funeral is a community affair. Members of the clan, village, or urban community will gather at a temple of Morrigan or Stone Ring. These will involve lying the body in wake for a day, with a small ceremony when the body is brought in. The following day a ritual will be performed in the name of Morrigan and Arawn, where the body is lowered into a grave and gravestone erected.

    Common Myths and Legends

    Nuada's Avatars: Nuada, the goddess of war and warriors, has taken multiple avatars throughout her time. This has often been at times of conflict, and her avatar's are numerous and composed of many heroes. The King's Tears: A small king near the Craggy mountains had grown arrogant and full of hubris, he challenged the Morrigan, who promised him it would all come to an end if he did not change his ways. Within six month, the king's family had died, and he cast himself of the cliffs. Morrigan formed his body into an island off the coast of the Craggy Peaks. The Pact of the Grove: A legend about a deal the Old Gods and their deal with the Krowethian empire, and how the kings of Krowethia eventually broke it, leading to the Gwenyddian uprising The Headless Horseman: A fallen Gwenyddian noble who haunts the marshes, looking for his lost head.


    Beauty Ideals

    Gwenyddians are tied to nature. They value simplicity, from hair to clothing. Make up is rare amongst Gwenyddians, they see it as unnecessary. Women will often tie flowers into their hair, and men will tattoo themselves with traditional gwenyddian symbols. Men and women will wear woad sashes to indicate clan or place of birth, and traditional kilts. Women will rarely tie their hair back, outside of formal events, and men are known to grow their hair out and have small beards.

    Gender Ideals

    The Eldrian Empire has brought with it traditionalist gender norms that aren't ever present in Gwenyddian society. Although having a binary gender system, it was egalitarian with women and men held in both the same regard legally and culturally. Since Gwenyddian culture has for so long been domianted by tribal lifestyles, every member of the clan was involved in some regard. Unlike their neighbours, Gwenyddian women have often been rulers and warriors.

    Courtship Ideals

    Gwenyddian courtship, like their lifestyle, is a simple affair. Interest is always shown verbally, and brief courting occurs. This will inovle meeting each others clans and family, and journies through the country, forest, or hills. Honestly and simplicity is the most important thing to a Gwenyddian relationship. Arranged marriage is a faux pas in Gwenydd, but often two clans will try to matchmake with each other in order to form an alliance or mend a fued, but no party is pressured into a relationship.

    Relationship Ideals

    When an engagement is made, the partners will privately present a bond of promise to each other, usually a simple ring. When a marraige is held, this is usally at the nearest stone circle, where a local priest or druid will perform the ceremony where the two will make vows, and then both clans will drink from each others cups from around the circle, then continue drinking until the next dawn. Marriage is seen as the best way to unite two clans, and is a cause of celebration amongst the whole community.


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