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Petty Kingdom of Gwenydd

The Petty Kingdom of Gwenydd is a largely ininhabited province, dominated by the Woldlands in its centre, a large marshlands full of stone rings and shrines. Gwenydd was conquered fully by the empire in the ninth century of the Third Age, as a means to invading Kernow. They have minimal natural resources and are of little interst to the empire outside of their position near the resource rich Cape County.   Gwenydd is run by a Petty King who is elected via a vote of the clans. Settlements are often temporary, outside of the major cities, with villages rarely lasting more than a few generations. Clans run those cities and the most prominent guilds, and hold large swathes of power acting as de-facto nobles.   The People of Gwenydd are deeply spiritual and free spirited, and a constant thorn in the empire's side. Being the last region that still widely worships the Old Gods, the are surrounded by human states that worship the Goose God.   The Capital of Gwenydd is in the large and sprawlling city of Pennygyntaff, a densly populated city with numerous inner walls and palisades, and has been built upon and expanded since the First Age. At its heart is the Dail, where the clans meet and negotiate treaties and borders. In the Imperial Age, the Dail is used merely as a means of passing impreial law upon the people of Gwenydd in an attempt to "civilise them."  


Map of the Petty Kingdom of Gwenydd cover


Gwenydd is dominated by its large interior marshalnds. This has made the country hard to traverse, and has taken up much of the arable land the country should have. This does however mean it is teaming with wildlife, ranging from large Gwenyddian Elk to the most fearsome of Marshland bears.   There are numerous forests throughout the country, which contain both natural and mytsical wonders. The most mystical of these is Ceann's Wood, which contains numerous fey creatures. The Valley forest in the Monnts of the Gods is a large Evergreen woods often cast in shadow, and contians several monstrosities rumoured to have arrived from other planes.   The Coastline of Gwenydd is covered in craggy cliffs and narrow beaches, meaning port towns have never had the oppertunity to grow. The Terrasic Ocean is known for its harsh waves and storms, and these batter Gwenydd on a regular basis. The only other access to a coastline Gewnydd contains is a narrow beachland on the Neapian Channel. Suitably calmer, a small enterprising group of freelancers built a small port town there with the hope of expanding it.   Their are two main mountain ranges in Gwenydd, the Craggy Peaks in the west, which are a foggy and storm washed territory where shrubbery is more common than grass. The other is the large and domineering Mounts of the Gods in ther east, which offer the country a natural sheilding from their neighbours in the east, and ensure a drier environment from their eastern side.  


Gwenydd is divided into three main regions. Shanegael in the west, Llywnedd in the centre, and Callerick in the east.      


Shanegael is the the western most region of the country, running between the Terassic coastline and the marshy interior. The capital of this region is also Gewnydd's second city, the trade hub of Ceannastra. Gwenydd's rough coast mean no other costal cities have been built in the region. Shnegael also contains the country's second capital, the Winter palace city of Palidcyntaff, an up-market cultural centre with a prominent bard's university.   Outside of its stormy coastline, the region is dominated by the large Craggy peaks. These highlands and mountains were formed by powerful winds, and burrowing wildlife. Bulletes are a common feature in the region, often praying on unsuspecting travellers and traders.  


Llynedd is the central region of the country, occupying the central marshlands and Daghdale Glen, a spirtually important forest in the south of the country. Its capitals are split between the nation's capital of Pennygyntaff and the town of Scinnfinn, a fishing centre on Loch Ollephiest. Its third most important centre is the economic capital of the country in Remiscaid, where the imperial Banker's Guild has a foothold.   The region is formed by its large lochs and marshland, which make it scantly inhabited outside of its major town. Numerous farming villages exist in its fertile south such as Phadraid and Palachtain. The region is most notorious for its wondering tribes of Lizardfolk and goblins, who will often raid trading carvans and each other alike.  


Callerick is the Eastern most region of the country, bording the Imperial heartlands. It is a centre of manufacturing and agriculture, and its close proximity to the empire means its more subject to its culture and influence than the rest of Gwenydd. The capital of the region is the mountainous city of Cafulcairn, which mines numerous ores and gems from the Mounts of the Gods.   The region is split between its mountainous region in the Mounts of the Gods, which deal with mining, and its more agricultural are in the fertile lands to the east and south whre agriculture is common. The mountains are dominated by all manner of air and earth elementals who will manifest in the wilderness and protect their pockets of nature fearlessly. Bears and Roc birds are common creatures found in the area.  


Gwenydd is sparesely populated, with its settlements being small and distant from each other, and its cities are generally smaller than elsewhere in the empire. Their cities are built in traditional styles, often out of wood and thatch, with traditional roundhouses being the most common dwellings.  


  Pennygyntaff: The capital of the country, Pennygyntaff is a reasonably diverse city with a complicated economy. The city has numerous internal walls which create several districts which act as towns in their own right. The city is both a political centre, alongside dealing in fishing and manufacturing of weapons and tools. Ceannastra: A large city on the Terrasic coast, Ceannastra is the most important trade hub of the country, with it being its only access to sea trade routes. It is a divided city, with Gwenyddian Loyalists and Eldrian Imperials in constant struggle for supremacy over the important city. The Empire has a large presence here, including large military docks. Palaidcyntaff: The second capital of the nation, Palaidcyntaff is an arts centre home to the winter palace. The city is beautiful, incorporating styles from both traditional Gwenydd and the Eldrian empire. It is a hub for stonework and quarraying. Calfucairn: A large stone city built in the Mounts of the Gods, the city is a mining and industrial hub, dealing in all manner of manufacturing. The city is home to a notable Dwarven quater.  


Turcknock: A spiritual centre, Turcknock is located in the heart of the mystical Daghdale Glen. Its economy is entirely related to religon, with several clerical orders and shops dedicated to relgious tact and components. Several large stone rings litter the outside of the wooden walls, with the population being largely related to religious or druidic orders. Remiscaid: The financial capital of the country, the city is dedicated to the finance and trade. The population has a clear class divide, with a Public School being present in the city which educates the middle and upper classes of the city to work in the financial sector, whilst a poorer working class is stuck working as assistants and labourers. The Remiscaid market is the busiest market in the region, and attracts traders from across the world, the Theives Guild also has a presence in the city. Kynglan: A fortified military town on the banks of the River Fyn on the border with Tumbria. The city is divided between the miliatry sector and those who work on the farms and pastures outside the large stone citadel. Scinfinn: A fishing town on the banks of Loch Ollephiest, the town has a notroious smell and is prone to small floods. The local dialect is notriously hard to understand, Creachinfas: An indsutral sector known for its smithing and wheatmills, the town has an impressive ancient stone castle. A small population of gnomes live in the town, creating bizzare clockwork contraptions.  


Phadraid: A simple halfling and gnome filled farming village in the south of the country. Cobha: A rural and isolated cattle farming village dominated by humans who will most likely never leave their village. Palachtain: A farming centre built around a large citadel. The welathy landowners live inside the city walls, leaving the farmers in traditional Gwenyddian housing outside. The village is currently dealing with a mysterious illness. Port Crooked: Set up by enterprising Cape County bounty hunters and sailors, ther port is Gewnydd's access to the Neapian Channel. It hasn't attracted the trade its founders hoped for, but has attracted a more nefarious group... Cadieduwiau: A peaceful village built in the traditional style, where simple bridges cross the numerous irrigation channels they built to grow their barley. A famous brewery is also present here. Maeldewi: A largely unimportant pig herding village. Gwasteldrew: A fishing and peat farming village on the backs of Loch Bailey. The locals are known for building impressive boats. North Baloin: A small fishing and farming village, an old and important watchtower stands here. It is the main docking point for river traders heading to Turcknock. South Baloin: A less important sheep farming village.  


Claddachbriste: A lonely fishing settlement on the Terrasic coast, the locals are superstitious but have developed a strong sense of independence after decades of pirate raids. Shailow: A mining settlement that is going through a large redevelopment at the hands of the Miner's Guild. Cairnyr: A fishing and religious hamlet.specialising in marvesting magical plants. Dioydamuis: A ranger's and hunters resting base. Children from this small hamlet often go on to become travelling adventurers and guardians. Olbon: A tiny homestead with a single friendly inn. Laglow: A stopping point and small stone-mining hamlet. Irandir: A dwarven mining settlement known for gathering fine gems. Dulthredge: A tiny homestead known for its cattle ranching and wheat fields, largely built by an imperial settlers.  


The economy of Gwenydd is small. Unlike its neighbours, it isn't as rich in natural resources and the ones it does have are barely exploited. The Gwenyddian cultural signifigance on nature and spirits means forests are left largely untouched and mining is kept to a bare minimum.   The resources it does exploit are largely gold, gems, fish and seafood, tool manufacturing, and religious components. The food produces by the country is more than enough to sustain its people, but is largely horded and taxed by the Imperial authorities. The eastern regions are known for their production of important gold and silver jewel encrusted jewellery, and Gwenyddian patterns are a luxery item to those not from the region.


The Petty Kingdom of Gwenydd is a province within the Eldrian Empire. The Petty King continues to be elected along traditional means, via a moot by the most important clans. The Petty King swears fealty to the Emperor, and gives much of his power over to an Imperial Governor.   Below the Petty King are the various clans, who will run settlements and guilds, and below them are the general population.


Gwenydd has no central army or reliable levies. Instead, every citizen will be trained in some form of combat, most often archery. Cities will have recruited guardsmen, with their captains most often being the relatives of the ruling clan. There are several forts on the southern border. Castle Dafydd is run by Gwenyddian soldiers, whilst Castles Vergh and Cernyw are run by imperial soldiers. Most settlements are cruedly defended, outside of the major cities which contain large defencive walls and keeps with siege equipment and large provisions to withstand sieges. Ceannastra is also the base of the imprerial navy in the reigon, and acts as its principal defence by sea, The Harbour walls can errect large physical and magical barries, with trebuchets capable of launching flaming rocks at any raiding vessel.


Gwenyddian culture is incredibly ancient and remains remarkably unchanged. It has drifted between an indpendent state of clans and being under the influence of their neighbours in Kernow, before ultimately falling to the Eldrian Empire in the 10th century of the Eldrian Empire.   Gwenyddian culture emerged as the Proto-Keltai in the Mythic Age, and were generally left as an indepedent people during the mythic age, living in forests and mountain ranges building stone monoliths and obelisks in their hidden villages. Here the original clan strucutre formed, all while the Giant domianted Krowethian Empire dominated the region. It was during this time that Gwenyddian culture began to form truely, with its focus on roundhouses and stone worship places. During the final years of the Krowethian empire, the giants began to enslave the Gwenyddians, breaking an ancient pact the King of Krowethia had made with the Old Gods centuries before. This led to an open revolt, and saw the giants exiled into the most remote regions of Gwenydd and theri cities destroyed.   The Gwenyddians spent the entirity of the first and second ages as a mostly indepdent periods. There were brief periods they occupied their neighbours in Kernow, and again breif periods the Kernowians occupied them. The common culture shared between these two peoples meant life went mostly unchanged. Here the city of Pennygyntaff began to be built up, alongside a small settlement in the former giant city of Ceannastra. Outside of these settlements, towns were often temporary and would move every few generations or so.   The Gwenyddians were a technologically distant people, refered to by their neighbours as being stuck in the Iron Age. Unlike their neighbours in Kernow, who substituted technology with magic, the Gwenyddians only used divine or natural magic through their druids and clerics. This meant that they were easily occupied on their western shores by Aedrinarans, and saw their most distant territories of Keltishland and Fainteshire taken by Tumbria and Westaxe respectively.   By the time the Eldrian Empire invaded, the Gwenyddians were an easy target. They were technologically outmatched, and had to rely on gurellia tactics and their harsh terrain to prolong the invasion. Within five years however, all their major settlemetns had been taken, and they were for the first time since the mythic age under the occupation of a hostile foreign culture.   Today, Gwenydd is a province of the Eldrian empire, being utlised mainly for its access to sea trade routes through Ceannastra and land passages to Cape County to its south. Its divided between those that support the imperial occupation, and those that embrace their culture's free spirit, and seek to restore Gwenydd to independence yet again.

Demography and Population

Human: 74%
  • Gwenyddian 78%
  • High Imperial, 6%
  • Southeaxian: 6%
  • Kernowian: 5%
  • Other: 5%
  • Halfling: 12%   Gnome: 6%   Dwarf: 5%   Other: 3%   Gwenydd is a largely human state, with the majority of that being of traditional Gwenyddian origin. It is not too diverse, with the other races that live largely being between third-seventh generation. Halflings and Gnomes have long been attracted to the agrural lifestyle of Gwenydd, and see it as a good place to escape from the interfering human governments of the Empire.   The Dwarven population of Gwenydd are of mixed origin, many different clans arriving at different points. Some are the rumoured descendents of the ancient and lost Drohanian colony of Grannigor, whilst other journeyed here for the oppertunity to open mines and discover the potentially massive jewel deposites the region contains.


    Gwenydd occupies much of the historical lands of the Gwenyddian clans. This is north of the Kernowian peninsula and south of the river Fyn.


    The Gwenyddians do not hold a unified military. Rather, each individual clan will have recruited soldiers who serve them personally. The Imperial forces take most of the traditional military functions, and in key cities act as city guards in conjunction with local clans. The Gwenyddian forces themselves are technologically inferior to their Eldrian invaders, relying more on ranged weapons such as bows and slings, and often wearing simple crude leather armour.


    Religion 86% Old Gods   12% Goose God   2% Other   The Old God religion remains dominant in the region, with the numerous stone henges and inner city temples being dedicated to the pantheon. The Empire has tried to establish a presence of Goose God Religion, but this has largely being contained within the imperial adminstriative bodies that moved to the region. Small goose chapels and monastries have been erected in the region, but attract little following. Several missionaries from the church see the region as a prime target for conversion.

    Foreign Relations

    Gwenydd's foreign relations are directly linked to that of the Eldrian Empire as they are officially an Eldrian Province. Internally, there is a great dislike for the imperials and the Eldrian Empire as a whole. There is also general hostility to their northern neighbours in Tumbria. The main cause of this is dejure parts of Gwenydd are contained withing those regions. In Tumbria, the predominently Gwenyddian province of Keltischland was taken in the War of the Fyn in the 500s of the third age. In the Eldrian Empire, the province of Faineshire, although largely autonomous for most of its history, is claimed by Gwenydd as the population there are traditionally Gwenyddian.

    Trade & Transport

    Gwenydd holds a key trade position on both the West Coast trade route by both sea and land, and is the only country that borders the ore rich Cape County by land. The Western Road passes through the city of Ceannastra from Cape County and heads north to the winter capital of Palaidcyntaff before becoming the main Gwenydd-Westaxe trade route from there.   By sea, Ceannastra functions as the only sea port between Naofoilin in Tumbria and Gurnbourne in Cape County, making it a key trade and shipping destination for both military and commercial entities. Although some have tried founding a port on the narrow portion of sea connecting Gwenydd to the Neapian Channel, this hasn't been the trade boom the founders were expecting.   Land transport through Gwenydd, outside of the key trade roads, is difficult. The roads are often neglected and not fit for fast travel by cart. Most Gwenyddians prefer to travel cross country, often navigating the marshlands and hills that roads do not traverse.


    There is no state education sytem within Gwenydd. Rich families and clans will often hire imperial tutors but most families rely on 'life experience' as a form of education. A bardic university does exist within the country, and will recruit applicants based on talent alone often requiring minimal fees.
    Founding Date
    3a 898
    Geopolitical, Province
    Head of State
    Head of Government
    Government System
    Monarchy, Elective
    Power Structure
    Semi-autonomous area
    Economic System
    Major Exports
    Gwenydd is the empires leading exporter of animal products such as leather and meat. Salt is also found in the numerous mountain ranges, meaning their products can be preserved and shipped over large distances. Some gems and ores can be found, although these are more often exported directly to the Eldrian homeland for little economic benefit to the country.
    Major Imports
    Large portions of Gwenydd are unsuitable to largescale farming. This means the country will often have to import grown produce such as fruit or vegetables. More luxery products are also imported such as gold, silver, and gemstones.
    Legislative Body
    The Dail: a parlimentary assembly of the clans
    Official State Religion
    Neighboring Nations
    Related Ethnicities

    Articles under Petty Kingdom of Gwenydd


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