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The natural layout of Kremos, capital city of Thraex, is part of what drew the original group of explorers to the location. Towering stones create a natural bottleneck before the area opens up onto a beautiful plateau that is bordered by cliffs leading down to the Rivener Sea. Now though, those natural defenses mean the city cannot expand outwards and so the cramped houses are squeezed in between each other, piling up as people try to build up instead of out.


The higher members of the military often live here, unless they are members of specific Badlands tribes that they do not wish to leave. Most of the people within the city are descendants of explorers or other immigrants to Thraex and not natives to the Badlands, as the natives often stay in the open plains and prefer the freedom of the Badlands to the safety but cramped discomfort of Kremos.


Each citizen of Thraex must join the military for at least seven years, and this comes about when a person turns sixteen. The higher ranked generals form and advisory council to talk to the King about his plans, and if the King dies, he is replaced by one of these generals which is selected by comittee vote.


The natural defences of the city do much of the work, though a some of the military is dedicated to the defense of Kremos and other important cities in Thraex.

Industry & Trade

Though Thraex has uneasy relations with the rest of Prodosía, they are not actively at war with anyone, and so they do trade and communicate with the other countries. Sometimes the rare artifacts Thraex manages to 'find' are ones that were stolen by the Daybreak Pirates, but Thraex's military might is enough that as long as they are not outright hostile, no other country is willing to make the first move.


They spend the first two years training and working in different bases, and then are put on active duty. As Thraex is not


A cramped city, space is expensive unless one is a high ranking general and live in the castle or one of the large houses that are kept for them. As more houses are trying to be squeezed in and are being built up and upon, it is getting more and more difficult to find living space in Kremos.

Natural Resources

There are no natural sources of water in Kremos except for several wells that have been drilled into the ground that are set up strategically around the city. Agriculture is grown outside the city and brought in, and many Badlands tribes keep cattle and trade with Kremos for meat and other products.
Founding Date
3568 A. A.
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Characters in Location


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