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Thrai King

The Thrai King is the King of Thraex, chosen when the previous Thrai King dies from amongst the group of high ranking generals that had advised said previous King. Though gender is not specified this is most often male, and despite the majority of people in Thraex being of the more monstrous races this has also been a human or half-elf more often than not.


The Thrai King must be a high ranking military member, high enough that they were a part of the council of advisors that met with the previous Thrai King. Additionally he must have been chosen to replace the Thrai King when the previous one dies by a majority vote of said council.


The Thrai King decides when Thraex goes to war, and is in charge of maintaining the militaries might. He decides which ranks might need more soldiers, which ones get funding, etc. He is also the one who maintains the relationship with the Daybreak Pirates.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

Though this has never occured, the Thrai King can be deposed by his council through unanimous vote. Additionally there have been several Thrai Kings who have passed in mysterious circumstances and the investigation into their death was...surface level.
Civic, Military, Generic
Form of Address
His mightiness
Alternative Naming
Thrai King, King
Equates to
The Thrai King is equivalent to the Queen of Arator, and has more authority than the Sorrow of the Church of Immortal Sorrow.
Length of Term
Current Holders
Related Locations
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