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The Badlands

The Badlands are a dusty, dry area where barely anything grows. The weather is strange and the beasts roam wild and dangerous. Threatening and intimidating, the natives of the Badlands reflect their homeland, and the people who created Thraex follow their lead.


Rolling hills of arid land cover much of the Badlands. Though there are a few rivers that let water flow through, allowing some crops to grow, the majority of growth occurs from only the hardiest of plants. Cave systems stretch their way underground, hidden unless one accidentally falls through the sink holes that hide in the open. Dangerous to walk, dangeorus to live, but beautiful to behold.


Cati and succulents grow, with blossom showing brilliant colors that threaten poison. Still they are eaten because if the beasts that eat here feared poison they wouldn't be able to survive. They things that live in the Badlands cannot show fear, or they would not be able to continue on.


Derilin, god of war, used the Badlands as his personal playground and testing ground for thousands of years. Coming and going on a whim, he experimented with creating different races like goblins and orcs, kobolds and bugbears. Crafting them for war at his demand but then leaving them to their own devices, they created their own cultures and tribal units that roamed the Badlands, fighting amongst each other and defending themselves against the great monsters that roam the open plains. When the explorers came from the rest of Prodosía, some tribes fought them while others allied with them. Eventually all of the Badlands fell under the banner of Thraex, and all of the natives bound themselves to the Thrai King, though they kept to their own territories as they knew the Badlands best.
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