Kjell Viktersen Åkhrimenko Character in Project Joðamir | World Anvil
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Kjell Viktersen Åkhrimenko

Tåmazhevite Revolutionary and Leader of the SUFDSR throughout the Great Kélarian War

Kjell Viktersen Åkhrimenko (*7th February 66 BVK in Lettikilde, Lekhisjóða † 10th April 0 B/AVK in Lyjfagrad) was a Severmarkish-Lekhisjóðan politician, activist and revolutionary. He served as head of the SEVPIM and high secretary of the SUFDSR from 33 BVK to 0 B/AVK, which included leading the Union through the Great Kélarian War. He was the first actual leader and head-of-state of the SUFDSR, elected in 33 BVK to take the place of G.S Tåmazhev, who had passed away the year before. Åkhrimenko was a prominent leader of the SEVPIM's Lekhisjóðan underground predecessor during his youth; the Red Petrels.


Youth and Education:

  Born in Lettikilde as the son of a shoemaker, Åkhrimenko quickly learned what it meant living as part of the lower classes under Kélarian rule. In school, he became notorious for being a rogue troublemaker, yet he almost always finished on top of his classes. At the age of 17, he met Ksenia Vettlefna Hovrysh, a fellow student who had just received a stipend by the Kélarian Royal Society for Integrated Education (KRSIE) to attend University in Lucrétia. Åkhrimenko fell in love with her and soon after he found out that Hovrysh was a member of the infamous Red Petrels, an anti-Kélarian activist youth organisation. Åkhrimenko promptly joined, at first only to impress Ksenia, but he soon became highly invested in the organisation's activities and quickly climbed through the ranks. When Ksenia left Lekhisjóða for Lucrétia, Åkhrimenko had saved up enough funds to attend University there as well. It was during this time in Cartagon in Lucrétia when Åkhrimenko became good friends with Godric Siwardsen Tåmazhev  with which he shared many beliefs. Åkhrimenko, being a native Lekhisjóðan, told Tåmazhev all about the situation in Severmarkia, about the Red Petrels and how after years of struggle, the Kélarian hegemony over Severmarkia only seemed to consolidate anyway. Tåmazhev, most likely very much to Åkhrimenko's delight, eventually decided to return to Lekhisjóða together with him after they'd finish their studies. During the time of the Cartagon Commune, the trio came into contact with Andriy Larsen Koltsov  and they immediately bonded despite their differences. It was Koltsov who saved Tåmazhev's, Åkhrimenko's and Håvrysh's lives when the Lucrétian gendarmry stormed "Nyuvakhta" House, the main building from which the Commune was administrated during its short lifetime. Koltsov, having lost many friends and parts of his family during the times of the raids and persecution, also took the decision to emigrate to Lekhisjóða afterwards.   In early 45 BVK, however, on the 23rd March Åkhrimenko would find himself utterly devastated as his love, Ksenia was found dead near a railway embankment in the outskirts of Cartagon. She had a single gunshot wound between her eyes. Although it was not confirmed until recently, Åkhrimenko suspected that Ksenia had fallen victim to the Outer-Kélarian Colonial Security Police, since she had been a member of the Red Petrels for a few years before she even got to know him. This Loss would stay with Åkhrimenko for the rest of his life, kindling a deep resentment towards the Kélarian leadership and King Bénardin III in particular. Koltsov and Tåmazhev were shocked by Hovrysh's sudden death, seeing it as "indubitable proof that any support for the Royalist yoke over Severmarkia is akin to asking for one's hanging noose to be tightened a bit more before execution."  

Return toLekhisjóða:

  Between 45 and 38 BVK, Åkhrimenko and Tåmazhev would distance themselves from Andriy Larsen Koltsov , who became increasingly paranoid and violent in his attitudes towards Kélarians living in Severmarkia. "A brilliant mind", so recalled Åkhrimenko, "corrupted by the poisonous legacy of his loved ones' demise". Koltsov would later on found the "Vaelta Company", an at first extremist militant group of hardline anti-Kélarians. During the War, however, the Company would gradually be absorbed into the main military, with most of its extremist roots being weeded out. In 41 BVK, Åkhrimenko helped Tåmazhev publish "Red Severmarkia" that he helped co-author. As the Kélarian grip loosened in the following years, they sought to solidify the success and fame they had gained through "Red Severmarkia". In 37 BVK, the SEVPIM was officially founded. Kélari Premier Polydor Seznec tasked KSCA governor for Lekhisjóða Audren Lebesque with overseeing the change towards this new provisional government. Lebesque started by inviting a handful of SEVPIM officials and local leaders, including Åkhrimenko, Tåmazhev, Sanna Gavrielna Skôglind , Thorstin Lavrentsen Vinlist and Katlinn Fylina Nørgvakht. The following week, when the Severmarkish politicians sent a delegation to Grand Sérandour to negotiate the cessation of the Kélarification campaign, Åkhrimenko was again a member. During this visit to Grand Sérandour, he met King Bénardin III for the first time in person:  
"When I first laid eyes on the Kélari Sovereign, a putrid mixture of anger, sadness and complacency overcame my senses. This was the man responsible for Ksenia's doom, there is no other explanation! I shall perish in the fires of Hellâd if it isn' so! The more taken aback I was when the King treated us with the utmost respect and manners. His character was not at all what I had hitherto assumed it to be." (Åkhrimenko, The Miscues of a Warden, 2 BVK, p.89)
The Delegation was successful, and the Severmarkish Republics were allowed to assemble their own administrative bodies for legislature, executive and judiciary fields. During the next four years, great efforts were made to appropriate the Industrial and Agrarian Sectors for Severmarkia. Elections across the four republics were held for the first time in decades, and the SEVPIM received a clear 78% majority mean across the four territories. The main opponent, the "Liga Severo-Kélarienne", consisting mainly of Kélarian high-ranking officials and ousted industrial and business proprietors, protested but was ordered into exile by King Bénardin III himself who didn't want to risk armed conflict despite the fact he was certain to crush Severmarkia at this point in time. Nevertheless, the KSCA itself remained in place as a direct mediator between the SEVPIM leadership and Grand Sérandour.

As Leader of the SEVPIM and signature of the Red River Concordate:

This period of success was interrupted in 34 BVK with the death of Åkhrimenko's best friend, Godric Tåmazhev. The exact cause of death could never be determined, with the official report only citing "blunt trauma to the cranium" Some people, like Andriy Larsen Koltsov, suspect it was a hired murder at the hands of a "Kélarian Bourgeois" and that an accident was only cited as the official cause of death for to diminish the risk of conflict between Grand Sérandour and Lyfjagrad. Either way, Åkhrimenko personally commissioned Tåmazhev's burial at sea and later institutionalised the word "Tåmazhevite Union" as a valid way to refer to the SUFDSR. Later in vernacular, this degraded to simply "Tomunist" for the sake of brevity.   In 33 BVK, the Red River Concordate was signed in Hârjalinna by Åkhrimenko, standing for Lekhisjóða; Thorstin L. Vinlist from Ljodasvaeda, Tsoya Jânnikna Lovik from Ôsklyzemlya and Josiff Inarsen Shostvak from Vostoksvîken. This treaty officially bound the four Severmarkish Republics into one political, military and economic Union and the same time abolished any recognition of Kélarian rule in Severmarkia. King Bénardin, however, answered with force: On the night of the 1st September, Hârjalinna was completely burnt down and its inhabitants either deported to Kélaria or killed. With this, Bénardin sought to convey one simple message: Kélarian force was not to be trifled with. What Bénardin realised as well though, was that Kélaria could not afford to militarily intervene in Severmarkia at that point. Too tumultous was the political climate and too hesitant was Kélaria's greatest ally, the Duchy of Cantacasonto. Reluctantly, re-elected Kélari Premier de Raîs granted the new SUFDSR independence.

Pre-War leadership of the SUFDSR:

In the decade between 31 and 21 BVK, Åkhrimenko and the SEVPIM leadership attempted to gain as much international support as possible, sending good-will delegations and negotiating favourable trade contracts with nations such as Lucrétia and the Kalthofean League. Both would turn out to be invaluable trade partners of the SUFDSR, with the Kalthofean League even actively sending out an Expeditionary Force to relieve Severmarkish Troops under siege soon after the outbreak of hostilities. When King Bénardin III passed away in 21 BVK, Åkhrimenko attended his burial ceremony in Grand Sérandour. This would be the penultimate time before the outbreak of the War in 15 BVK. Åkhrimenko visited Kélaria again in 20 BVK for the coronation ceremony of King Cyran I, eldest son of Bénardin and new Régin de Kélarie. During those years, Åkhrimenko managed to pull together the Industrial and agrarian capacities of the four Severmarkish Republics, prioritising civil infrastructure, provision and the expansion of the Military from the former Severmarkish Defence Miltia towards a professional Armed Force. For this purpose, SEVPIM leadership frequently invited foreign engineers, designers, academics and other experts in their respective fields to work for Severmarkia in return for beneficial treatment.
In 18 BVK at the age of 48, Åkhrimenko was injured in a car accident causing him to limp. In 30 BVK, he had adopten an orphan from Ljodasvaeda as his child, as he refused to develop feelings for any woman other than his beloved Ksenia. His adopted Daughter, Signe, would later on join the SUFDSR's Aerial Combat Corps, later simply the Severmarkish Air Force at the age of 19 and become a renowned fighter pilot and instructress.
Kjell V. Åkhrimenko passed away peacefully at the age of 66 just before the Kélarian Capitulation. He had suffered from Lung diseases for a few years before.
Restored formal portrait photo of K.V Åkhrimenko shortly before his death in 0 B/AVK.
Ahkrimenko young lorge.jpg
Young K.V Åkhrimenko, aged 33, shortly after the signing of the Red River Concordate
Current Status
Honorary & Occupational Titles
High Secretary of the SEVPIM (33-21 BVK; 15 BVK-0 B/AVK)
Date of Birth
7th February
Date of Death
10 April
66 BVK 0 BVK 66 years old
Lettikilde, Lekhisjóðan SFDSR
Place of Death
Lyfjagrad, Lekhisjóðan SFDSR
Other Affiliations


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