The Valiant. Vehicle in Project: Odyssey | World Anvil
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The Valiant.

The U.S.S. Valiant is a Javelin Class heavy Cruiser. The Valiant is one of the Major Flag ships for the United Nations Star Navy. It was recently tasked with the defense of Earth, and patrolling the Sol System. But now due to the orders of Project: Odyssey, The Valiant has been tasked with leading an expeditionary fleet to the outer reaches of Discovered space.    It would be the Valiant that would make its way to the Jorrus System, and encounter the Antari race.  From then on The Valiant would continue to lead the fleet to new and distant worlds, and spear head other first contact missions.

Power Generation

The Javelin Class Star ships run on a E series Anti-Matter power core. The Core in turn Powers the Ships' Slip Space Drive.


The Javelin Class Uses 5 large thruster to propel it forward when not in slip space.

Weapons & Armament

The Ship is equipped with 20 laser batteries, 6 Rail guns, and a AI controlled Poin defense System to get rid of small asteroids or enemy fighters.

Armor and defense

The Javelin Class sports a hull made up of A heavy Duratanium plating, and across the length of the ship are emitters that project the ships Hard light defense shields.

Hangars & docked vessels

The Javelin Class Cruisers carry 2 hangers. With in both hangers are a full compliment of Star fighter craft, and their crews ready to be deployed and a moments notice.
The Lance
In First Out Last.
Creation Date
Built in February 2640
Owning Organization
Current location
83,000,000,000 Credits.
2miles wide
4miles long
200 feet in hieght
60 tons
Complement / Crew
2,200 souls
Cargo & Passenger Capacity
20 tons


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