The United Nations of Sol Organization in Project: Odyssey | World Anvil
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The United Nations of Sol

The U.N.S. Was based off the original United Nations from the 21st Century. throughout the years and the massive Colonization efforts across the Solar System the U.N. had to restructure, and reorganize itself to accommodate the new countries and Governments that where being built on other planets.   For the past 300 + years the U.N.S. has grown and changed with the time with the creation of the colonies the countries of Earth have calmed down, due to some of the bigger countries (Like China) sending their surplus population to live on other planets. The Republic has also turned its attention to more scientific pursuits, bettering mankind and accelerating it into a new of age of prosperity. The U.N.S. has plans for further colonization efforts in the Alpha Centauri System and so many others.   At this time the Republics Grand Chancellor is about to leave office (his term has ended.) but before he steps down he has enacted a final edict... Project : Odyssey. A massive call of exploration, and Colonization for all who live in the Sol System. To go forth and see what the greater Galaxy has to offer.   Though it will be tough the United Nations of Sol stands ready to face the challenges of what the wider Galaxy has in store.


The U.N.S. is made up of a massive senate of representatives from all across the world and the outlying Colonies within the sole system. Each countries still has its own leader, or a governor, but the Grand Chancellor of the U.N.S. has final say in all matter of the Government.

Public Agenda

To keep the peace, and promote good relations with Earth and its outer Colonies.


Though the U.N.S. preaches peace, that doesn't mean that they aren't ready for war. With a large fleet on stand by ready to jump into action on a moments notice. Along with that are many divisions of heavily armed troops ready for immediate deployment. On a economic stand point, Due to the Multiple contracts with different Mega Corporations, on Earth and in System, the Republic Stays afloat with a Bustling Shared economy. Along with the system wide trade Networks, The Kyrite Mining Ventures thrive all across the Space ways, Advancing Science, and Technolongy and Granting the U.N.S. a Nearly Endless supply of fuel and Energy for their Stare fleets.

Demography and Population

The people of earth are a myriad of different cultures and backgrounds that work together for the betterment of mankind as a hole.     The Martian Colonists however prefer to keep to the selves staying out of the affairs of the U.N.S. entirely. They are not really on good terms with their Earth bound Cousins. due to them loosing the Solar Civil War 200 years ago.  The Pure blood Martians live along side the Colonists. As the Original Inhabitants of the planet Mars they first didn't know how to act. but eventually they came to live, and work along side the Martian Colonists. The Pure blood Martians were also Given Association Status with the U.N.S.   There are a few other people that live with in the Territory of the Republic like those who live on the Moons of Jupiter or Alpha Centauri 3, but we'll get to those Later.


The U.N.S. territory encompasses 90% of the Sol system, with some out lying Colonies in Alpha Centari, and Barnard Star, and The recently acquired Sardus system.


The U.N.S. Military complex is split up into 2 Major Branches. The Saber Core: Consisting of Ground forces, Tank divisions, Special forces units, and heavy Mechanized Armaments.   The Second branch is that of the Astral Core: AKA the Navy, Consisting of a large range of different star ship classifications, fighter craft, space stations, and deep space research and reconnaissance vessels.

Foreign Relations

The U.N.S. diplomatic core does its best to work overtime in securing long lasting relationships with foreign powers across the galaxy. Though some Geopolitical entities are more suborn than others, such as the Martian sovereignty, and certain factions among the Karn.   Though that will not stop the progress of the U.N.S. to further any an all diplomatic relations with any alien race.

Fortune Favors the bold.

Founding Date
March, 8th, 2376
Geopolitical, Republic
Alternative Names
U.N.S. or the Republic.
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Humans or Uni's
Ruling Organization
Leader Title
Government System
Democracy, Representative
Power Structure
Economic System
Mixed economy
Earth The Majority of the Sol System, The Alpha Centauri Star system, Barnard Star, and a few others out there in deep space controlled by Space stations.
The United Credit or the U.C. its both a digital, and physical Currency used all Across the Republics territories. Even on Mars.
Subsidiary Organizations
Related Ranks & Titles
Controlled Territories
Organization Vehicles
Related Species
Related Ethnicities

peace between both governments has been achieved along with a joint research agreement between both cultures.

A delicate peace is maintained between both Governments and plantes.


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