Julius Ching: Prime Minister of Mars. Character in Project: Odyssey | World Anvil
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Julius Ching: Prime Minister of Mars.

Priminister Julius Yao Long Ching

Born and raised in the Martian Capital of New Olympus, Julius Ching lived a very Spartan life, like most Neo-Martians at the of 18 he was conscipted into the army. He Served with distinction, and showed his patriotism many times in combat, from the moons above Mars to putting Down the Worker rebellion on Europa.   After a time he was discharged form the army due to a leg injury, but he instead turned his energy away form warfare towards the realm of Politics. At the age of 27 he joined the Martian Congress and participated in many dealings that would benefit Mars as a whole. During his tenure in the Congress he was forced to make some backroom dealing due to some of his opponents trying to black mail him out of the congress. He would continue to Serve on the Martian Congress for the next 8 years before he began running for the office of the Prime Minister.   With a Unanimous Vote Julius Yoa Long Ching, was Voted into the office of Prime Minister. From that point onwards Prime Minister Ching worked tirelessly for all of Mars, but it was not an easy job. There were many obstacles, and difficulties along the way, such as; smuggling, minor terror attacks, and whispers of splinter groups still angry with the U.N.S. after 300 years. Throughout his term he has done his best to keep the peace and keep the hearts of the people calm.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Aside from his old leg injury he's Great Physical Health.

Physical quirks

Julius still has a limp from his time in the service.

Apparel & Accessories

The Prime Minister wears a black dress uniform with red military strips down the sides. On his Shoulders He dawns a red and gold sash, around his neck he wears a Ruby red necklace (a gift from the queen of the True-Blood Martians.)

Specialized Equipment

Around his belt he carries a ceremonial dagger, both formal and Functional.

Personality Characteristics


Julius is trying not to fall backwards towards the old hatreds, and is trying to move Mars forward towards a more nobler future.

Vices & Personality flaws

Though even in his position of power The Prime Minister has been rumored to do more back room dealings.
Current Location
Date of Birth
January 12th 2608
New Olympus
Current Residence
His private mansion in New Olympus.
squinted, Asian black eyes
Short black hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Mildly tanned skin
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Sons and Daughters of Mars,   I ask you to stand and not falter in the face of adversity, but to thrive and prosper."
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations


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