Neo-Martians Ethnicity in Project: Odyssey | World Anvil
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After a time the colonists on Mars started to realize that they were no longer considered them selves Earthlings. Some of the Colonists had a hard time coming to terms with their new lives on Mars, others quickly adapted.   When the second Generation of colonists where born, the older generation began to call their offspring Martians, due to the fact that their children were born on mars. But this to would have to change after the terra forming incident.( When the true blood Martians emerged from the Ground and confronted the Colonists.) After the colonists realized that they weren't alone on the red planet, they then redubbed their children Neo-Martians.   For next few Centuries, multiple generations of Neo-Martians proceeded to populate the surface of mars. As of the current date 99.9% of Humans on the surface of Mars are Neo-Martians.

Naming Traditions

Family names

Most names will have an ancestory from Asian, Northern European, and Mid-western American Decent. Names like Lu-Cho, or Qong, and Lee, are common place on Mars.


Major language groups and dialects

Most Neo-Martians speak either Mandarin, Cantonese, or Russians.

Major organizations

The Martian Sovereignty.
Related Locations


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