Mars Geographic Location in Project: Odyssey | World Anvil
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As the obvious choice for human colonization, Mars was the first planet to undergo the biggest colonization effort that humanity had ever taken in it's history. Not since the the pilgrims coming to America had humanity set foot upon a "New World". At first the initial colonization of Mars was very difficult. The colonists put up large dome structures to house themselves, and protect themselves from the harsh winds, and arid climate of the red planet. Eventually the Colonists mastered their new home, and they soon began Terraforming Efforts in specific areas on the planet.   As soon a The terraforming process was initiated, the Colonists were visited by a host of aliens the emerged from underground. These aliens were in fact the natural inhabitants of the red planet. The True Blood Martians. These tall green 4 armed bipedal humanoid beings spoke to the Colonists and told them to not terraform their home. After 5 months of debate and disagreements, a compromise was found, and the Colonist moved their initial capital to a new location on the upper hemisphere of the planet and terraformed a place that would later become their new capital, they would call it New Olympus.   From that point onwards the Colonists ( Now known as Neo-Martians) would Co-exist with their Subterrain neighbors. Engaging in conversation, talks of peace, migrating between both civilizations, trade.   Though this was just the beginning for the Red Planet, there was much more to come...


Mars is a vast arid desert landscape. Harsh sand blasted mountains dot the land. On the northern hemisphere sits one of the only sources of Ice/ water on the planet.   Elsewhere underneath the surface of Mars lies a large natural ecosystem that provides moisture, and water that can support and entire civilization. granting plant growth and life to the denizens beneath the surface of Mars.

Natural Resources

Sand, Northern Ice, Underground water, and Localized Kyrite Mines scatted across the planet, and on one of Mars' moons.
Alternative Name(s)
The Red planet.
Location under
Included Locations
Included Organizations
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization
Related Ethnicities
Inhabiting Species


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