Martian Sovereignty Organization in Project: Odyssey | World Anvil
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Martian Sovereignty

Initially formed after the fall of the late Martian Commissariat, and years after the damage of Solar Civil War. The Newly formed Martian Sovereignty soon became the new centralized government for the Neo-Martian Population on Mars.   Before the Sovereignty's creation Mars was deemed a demilitarized zone, and Watched over by U.N.S. Ground troops and a orbital Space station overhead. For the next few decades the provisional Martian Government did its best to go through the proper channels, to achieve peace With the U.N.S. and to make Mars a Sovereign Nation.   In the year 2522 Mars was officially recognized as its own nation by The U.N.S. and the other powers of the System. From then onwards Mars and Earth maintained a very thin alliance, but in all respects they make it work. Mars is now open to the people of earth and vice versa, but both sides are warry of the visitors that come from either planet, for fear of terrorist, and trouble makers. Though it may be difficult Mars Will not fail to keep the peace.


The Martian Soverignty is organized like a military Commissariat. A good portion of most Citizens are concripted to join the military once they reach the age of 18. and after a time they are either given future occupation options, or put into the military reserves, for later deployment. Aside from this the Soverignty functions on the surface as a democracy, but Underneath works like a dictatorship, with the military more or less in charge of day to day dealings.

Public Agenda

To works towards a better Mars for all, and to maintain the peace between them and their Neighbors. ( So another war doesn't spontaneously break out.)


Mars Houses a sizable army along with their own star fleet of heavily armed battle cruisers. The Surface of Mars is dotted with Iron, titanium, and Kyrite mines that are processed on a daily basis.


The Martian Military is split up into 3 divisions. The Defense force: The standard military units in mass.   The Marine Corp, the cream of the crop, The Elite. And last but not least the Martian Navy: Patrolling the skies, and space above Mars.

Foreign Relations

There is a fragile peace between the Martian Sovereignty, and the U.N.S. but a never the less the peace is kept.  Though The Relationship between the Neo-Martians and the True blood Martians is quite strong living in relative symbiosis.

Mars Aeturnum

Founding Date
Geopolitical, Stratocracy
Alternative Names
The Soverignty
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Martians/ Neo-Martians
Ruling Organization
Leader Title
Government System
Democracy, Parliamentary
Power Structure
Dependent territory
Economic System
Command/Planned economy
The Martian Credit, is both a Physical and digital currency, and is also transactable with Earths' currency.
Legislative Body
The Martian congress make all the laws that effect the surface of the planet. and the people who live on it.
Judicial Body
The Martian Military tribunal deals out the judgement to the Guilty, and the M.E.D. (Martian Enforcement Department ) enforces the rules of the state.
Parent Organization
Related Ranks & Titles
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations
Related Species
Related Ethnicities

A delicate peace is maintained between both Governments and plantes.


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