The Antari Union Organization in Project: Odyssey | World Anvil
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The Antari Union

The Alien World of Thara is Governed by a Democratic Technocracy, The members of the Antari congress are in fact all scientists, each one heading up different fields of research. but all work towards furthering the future, and well being of the Union. The Antari as a people pride themselves on their technological advancements, and over all scientific achievements. For the better part of their existence the Antaria have thrived in the undersea depths, of their home world constantly evolving and developing their culture and society to a point that they have no need for, war, no one gets sick, and all the peoples needs are taken care of.   Throughout the centuries, from the times of their most earliest origins, The Antari have always been enamored with discovering new things, and new ideas. When the Idea a centralized Government came up, the populous didn't know how to react. So a great experiment was held. One Decade later, it turned out that experiment was a resounding success. And thus the Antari Union was born.   The Unions' is structured around 3 areas of power. At the top is the Science council, or more commonly referred to as the Union Congress. Under them is the Legislative body. Lastly is the Security Forces that make up a small, but powerful form of Military, that protects the home world, and the outlying colonies and star bases across Antari Space. Through these many parts the Antari union come together as a whole and keep the Technocratic machine running and thriving towards the Future.


The Union encompasses a relatively small sector of space the Antari have over 10 different colony worlds set up. These worlds in question also have a high concentration of water. ( due to the Antari's Aquatic Nature.) Above, these planets are Orbital star bases that act as research labs, and deep space observatories. Above and below the surface of theses worlds and bustling, clean, and highly advanced cities.

Foreign Relations

The Antari are always welcome to the prospect of discovering new life and meeting new allies. So when astronauts from the U.N.S. went out into deep space to chart out routes for future expeditions, later incountered the and Antari, It was a welcomed surprise.     As of now the U.N.S. has made great head way with the Antari leader ship, and have made several pacts, and treaties with this welcoming alien race.
Geopolitical, Technocracy
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Leader Title
Government System
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Market economy
The Antari use their own types of currency, but since the discovery of their neighbors the U.N.S. they have also adopted the standard human currency. but most precious and sought after of all of Tharas' treasures is that of the gilded deep pearl.
Executive Body
The enforcing of laws is another duty of Antari Security forces. but there is little next to no crime on Thara, So the A.S.F. turn their attentions elsewhere.
Neighboring Nations

peace between both governments has been achieved along with a joint research agreement between both cultures.


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