The Charmed Cheese Fable Myth in Pronathea | World Anvil

The Charmed Cheese Fable

"I'm sorry, you just said "charmed cheese", didn't you?"
"It's a charmed cheese, I don't know what else to tell you."
— Unknown person and another unknown, but frantically confused, person


  Told to children in the dead of night whilst sitting around a campfire, as well as when presented with their first cheese tray at a family gathering, the Charmed Cheese Fable is well-known in the hearts of all across the Eight Lands. While many have a good chuckle at the tale, others will swear by its mystical truth.   The tale itself is rather simple; that one day Íslen decided to throw a party to last a whole year, and that each piece of food for the gods was enchanted in some form or another. Drinks would have illusory dolphins swimming across their surface, or create bubbles of intense flavours that float in the air until one pops them, and the food would cause ones voice to change pitch, giggle uncontrollably, or even change hair colour. Each delicacy had a unique enchantment placed upon it, and one of those was a wheel of cheese enchanted to make the eaters voice become irresistible to those who hear it, entrancing them. However, that cheese was dropped and never found, eventually making its way to the world of mortals.  

Wheels of Abondance

  The simple joy of the tale is what keeps it surviving over the many years it has been told, and everyone who hears it swears by different enchantments when they're being told, often leading to various people chiming in with their own believed enchantments.   Of course, no enchanted wheel of cheese has ever been found, though many fakes have been created in attempts to fool people. One infamous attempt of cheese forgery included having the words "this cheese is enchanted" written in magemarks, which created a, presumably unintentional, effect of the cheese wheel not only glowing but having tiny illusory cheeses floating around it in spectacular fashion.   Unfortunately, no one is quite sure where the infamous forgery has ended up, and attempts to recreate it have all resulted in mysterious failure.


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Jul 1, 2024 15:53 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Cheeeeeeeese. I love the idea of a cheese wheel with tiny illusory cheeses floating around it. I don't even care that it's a forgery.

Jul 1, 2024 15:57 by Andrew


Jul 1, 2024 16:22 by Keon Croucher

Un-Brie-leviable....That shouldn't have made me laugh but it did. That pun belongs in a pungeon somewhere holy shit. This is a fantastic article though, and a fun little myth for sure and the forgeries issue is a nice touch cause we see that in real life so much too. Very fun, like this very much

Keon Croucher, Chronicler of the Age of Revitalization
Jul 1, 2024 16:31 by Andrew

Very glad to hear you enjoyed it, pun included!

Jul 2, 2024 10:08

CHEEEEEEEESE! I love it, what a cheesy article. I'm brie-tty sure that this is a gouda article for the ages. x3

Jul 2, 2024 10:52 by Andrew

Hopefully it helps anyone feeling bleu! With that, I've entirely run out of cheese related puns, but I'm glad you enjoyed the article

Jul 5, 2024 03:50 by Ephraïm Boateng

Yeah, i laughed at the Brie pun, and i'm not afraid to say it! I love cheese, and this article!

Jul 5, 2024 04:18 by Andrew


Jul 7, 2024 15:37 by Chris L

You had me at un-brie-lievable. Please stop being so funny right off the bat, I can't take it!

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Jul 7, 2024 15:46 by Andrew

It's not my fault, the pun wrote itself!