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Demighouls - Gameplay

Dieser Artikel betrachtet Demighouls als spielbare Rasse. Für die Demighouls in der Lore siehe: Demighouls
  A terrible catastrophe occurred on the isle now known as Korna Adrur Fine. For a long time, it was assumed that most of the victims at least died quickly and painlessly. You, however, suffered a far worse fate: You survived not only the initial impact, but also the desperate flight from death, destruction, and otherworldly monsters. Whether by sheer luck, cunning survival skills, or competent fighting, you managed to escape the deadly area. But you have changed. Food no longer has taste. Alcohol no longer provides a sweet escape from reality. You are always tired. You are undead. How you respond to this is up to you. Will you make the best of it, doing your part to prevent similar fates in the future? Or will you plot revenge against those who don't share your gruesome fate — the humanoid races themselves?

Ability Score Increase

Your Intelligence or Wisdom increases by 1 and your Constitution by 2.  

Age, Appearance, Size and Sex

Demighouls don’t age, their visuals age stays the same throughout their undead existence. The catastrophe fouled their flesh, turning it moldy gray. However, their visual key appearance stays the same. Since they can’t reproduce or process food, their internal anatomy is not humanoid, leaving them with no sex; merely a self-understanding of what they used to be.
Most Demighouls – out of decency, self-care, and the drive to not get impaled by an angry mob of living people – use aromatics, clothing and at least a minimal amount of make-up on a very regular basis.
Demighouls are mostly derived from Elves, Dwarves and Humans, making them medium creatures, though rare small Demighouls exist.  


Since the current state of Korna Adrur Fine affected them in the cruellest way possible, most Demighouls tend to have developed strong moral values, mostly drifting away from neutral stances. Evil Demighouls tend to view humanoid superiority itself as the main plague and work towards advancing the undead way of life. Meanwhile, good Demighouls view themselves as a protector of the weak humanoids who don’t know what they’re up against beyond the veil of life.  


Demighouls have the same walking speed they had when they were alive as well as 120ft. Darkvision.  

Undead Nature

Demighouls aren’t only humanoid, but also undead creatures. This unique mixture has some effects on your body:
You are resistant to necrotic damage, diseases and getting poisoned. However, you’re vulnerable to radiant damage. Holy sites of gods that defy undeath will impact your wellbeing: While staying there, you’re vulnerable to piercing, slashing, and bludgeoning damage. This effect is permanent while you are on certain holy sites.
Healing works different on you, too:
  • When restoring Hit Points with spells or potions, you only gain half of the result.
  • Increases of your maximum Hit Points, temporary Hit Points and your healings through Rests are not affected; also, life absorption of any kind works fine, aswell.
  • With Proficiencies in Alchemists Supplies, you know how to brew a Potion that grants you temporary Hit Points.
Once per long rest, when you succeed on your death saving throws, you can gain one temporary hit point to escape your misery and take a rest.  

The undead way of unlife

Demighouls don’t need to eat, drink, breathe or sleep. You also don’t suffer usual exhaustion; instead, you lose 1d10 maximum hit points and 1 point of Constitution for every point of exhaustion. However, 6 points of exhaustion still cause you to die. Minimal activities for 6 hours give you the benefits of a long rest.  

Ghoulish Enhancement

Some Demighouls mutated during their transformation, granting at least some benefits from this horror. Choose – or roll – one from the list below. You gain an additional feature of your choice at Lvl 5, 10, 15 and 20.  
  • Since you can’t get tired, you gain +20ft. speed when running on all four limbs, doubling for dashing. Your hands have to be free for this.
    • Prerequisite: At least 13 Strength.
  • You can cast False Life at will once per day, without expending a spell slot.
    • Prerequisite: The ability to cast at least one spell.
  • You are resistant to poison damage.
    • Prerequisite: At least 13 Constitution.
  • You gain proficiency in Intimidation and Deception as you know how to use your freakish body to your advantage.
  • You can claw or bite for 1d4+Str. slashing/piercing damage instead of an unarmed strike. This counts as a weapon.
  • You are proficient with all finesse weapons.
    • Prerequisite: At least 13 Dexterity.


You can speak common. However, your vocal organs have fouled too, preventing you from instantly being able to speak your old language but granting you the ability to speak a foul version of undercommon. (You can still learn any language, of Course)
On the DM’s notice, you might be able to read your former mother tongue; this depends on your exact backstory.


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