Ayàvi ([a:ja:vi:])

Ayàvi is a Woodsmen of the Foyblànii skilled in the arts of healing and "on the hoof" mending.  

Meaning of Her Name

Ayàvi is Foyiitùn, as one would expect of her clan and is made up of two Word Components:  
  1. Aya: meaning "to awaken".
  2. Vi: a shortened form of Vyt, which means "life".
  It seems likely that either her parents, or the Elders present at her naming ceremony sensed her future skills in healing, and named her accordingly.   Note: care must be taken when translating some names. Ay or Ai is a command to "go" or "go away" (see Sy Senz-Ai) or in some cases "to hit" or "to take". In both cases, this would have resulted in the opposite meaning of the one intended.  


While she has slightly accentuated cheekbones, her facial features are gentle, though her skin is often chapped or grazed as a result of the weather or "incidents" with trees and bushes while rushing between locations.   Ayàvi is known for her disarming smile and laughing eyes and, while some in the world are known to use this to hide deep-seated issues, in her case, her spirit is usually light. Whether she smiles, cries, is angry or laughing, she is feeling how you see her being.  
Her eyes are slightly unusual even for a Foyblàni, as her ice-blue irises have a clear bright white line around them. This may be a form of Elemental Linking, whereby she is blessed with particular strengths from specific elements. As the Glàsdei-an-Ormà is not too far from the Brùha Foyblànii, it may be Light in her case.  
Many Foyblànii have white hair, even from birth. Given their role was not to disrupt or disturb nature, this hair was often seen a natural camouflage. Ayàvi has mostly golden hair, with clear white accents, which is rare among her clan, though not unique.

Ayàvi, as it standard for Woodsmen regardless of their tribe, is slim yet strong. As part of the clan in the Brùha Foyblànii, she learned to survive in harsh conditions, where hunting is a matter of when necessity and availability cross paths. The combination of a restricted diet and the active patrolling of her Forest has resulted in her being slimmer than even those in the The Forest of Doon.
Lower Body Strength
Where the Foyruszii and Foyverii of Doon often excel in upper body strength, Ayàvi's patrols are almost always on foot, resulting in above-average leg strength and endurance.   Her calling as a healing mage also gives her little time for defence training where physical upper body strength is needed.



Ayàvi showed promise even as a child for being skilled in the healing arts.   While she now can heal without the use of a "focus" she feels she performs better with her unassuming "healer's branch". Whether that is fact or not matters little. But, as she says most of her healing power is drawn from nature, she prefers to have a physical connection to Nature to sense whether or not she is taking more power than she should.


Her affinity to nature and quick-thinking has helped her rise to be one of the top Hawk-Riders in White-leaf Woods.   Being so slim and lithe, yet quick and light-footed, allows her to mount and dismount with ease, along with the technically-challenging "back-leaping" maneuver - switching from one Great Hawk to another while both are in flight.   She enjoys this role, but is also commited to the serious position of it - being on the look out for natural and unnatural dangers that could threaten their clan and the creatures under their careful watch.


Ayàvi can understand Sky-Speech, the language of the Mìsii, though she does sometimes find adjusting to the song-type of the Aszilmìsii difficult.  
Language | Aug 25, 2023

Sky-speech was the ability to speak with flying creatures, not just the birds of the air.



As well as skills, Ayàvi demonstrates the following strengths:  


While knowing not everyone can be happy all of the time, she does her best to encourage and uplift people around her. As this applies to anyone, she has inadvertently made others assume she had romantic intentions. Such situations confuse Ayàvi, who rarely believes in subtlety.  
If I'm not being romantic, I'm not feeling romantic. I am me. But I cannot control how others interpret that.


While you could be forgiven for thinking Ayàvi was carefree and lax by her attitude, she is as commited to the Wood's defence as her leaders. Whether it's in the delivery of a message, running the whole wood for an emergency, or jumping on her Hawk without any notice, she loves her role and throws herself into it.   Often, literally.


"Honest to fault" isn't a thing. I will speak the truth, but I won't go out my way to offend people in how I express it either. Others have feelings too. If they're in the wrong, they may even have more feelings going on than you realise.


Ayàvi is usually aware of her weaknesses and, although she won't mask them, she does try to overcompensate in how she "pays back" any errors. Which leads to the first point:  

Handling Defeats

If she is not successful in an endeavour, especially if it was something she felt she should succeed in, then she verges on despair. This can be exhibited in the form of being grumpy with others or talking herself down for a day or two.   These moments are when she needs encouraging, but rarely receives it as the Foyblànii are accustomed to her being the encourager. For this reason, some see her as exhibiting a childish streak.   Including Ayàvi herself at such times.

Quick to Trust and Distrust

Reacting through feelings and intuition, Ayàvi's stance is to "trust first" and is one that her leaders and, indeed, her Hawk have tried to draw her away from. This sounds like a strength at first, but led to some difficult situations in the past where trust was misplaced.   But on the opposite side, she does not recover quickly from a sense of betrayal or abused trust even if that person had turned their life around and had permenantly changed their behaviour.
Articles Sections
Name of Hawk
Languages Spoken
Primary Weapon
Healer's Branch (unnamed)
Relationship Status
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Year of Birth
517 AFD 36 Years old
Large, Ice Blue with thin white line around the iris
Golden and white, wavy and extends to the bottom of her shoulderblades.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale, usually with rosy cheek bones.
Aligned Organization

Image Creation
This concept of Ayàvi was done by AI at Bing Image Creator. As I had to start WorldAnvil late, I needed to focus on writing. I intend to replace all AI images over time.

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Appears in Manuscript

Skirmishes and Schisms


Read Other Works:

Fallen Down of Nectar Glen

Skirmishes and Schisms

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