Foyruszii ([fɔɪ:ruːʃi])

The Foyruszii are of one of the Foyii clans of the Forest of Doon, alongside the Foyverii. While the Red-Leaves love the Forest as much as their Green-Leaf counterparts, their approach is usually more aggressive, as they seek to destroy anything that dares to threaten the sanctity of Doon. They suffer tradition, but not at the expense of practical action.  


To any readers not familiar with the phonetic script above, Foyruszii is pronounced foy-roosh-ee.   The "oo" is the sound consistent with tune (made near the front of the teeth) and not room, where the "oo" is pronounced deeper in the mouth.  

The Meaning of the Name

Foyruszii is made up of the following Foyiitùn "word components":
  • Foy: meaning "leaf"
  • Rusz: meaning "red"
  • ii: denoting a plural or people-group.
So the name translates as "The People of the Red Leaf" in Common Tongue/Parànti. It is not uncommon to hear any Foyruszi/Foyrusza(1) being called a "Red-Leaf" (or Green-Leaf in the case of the Foyverii, even among the Woodsmen themselves.
"Ever the Red-Leaves stir within least this time it is justified."
The Chronicles of Qal'ath
Tome 1, "Wrenched"

Who Were the Foyruszii?

The Foyruszii are the "Red-Leaves" and were often descendents - either directly or somewhere in their ancestry - of Foyii and Paràntii partnerships or marriages. They and their ancestors have never intermarried with any other races.  


While some Green-Leaves have historically assumed the Red-Leaves were not at all spiritually sensitive, such a view is far from the truth. So acutely do they feel the pain of Nature around them, that they are driven to protect it with all their strength. Their name is drawn from an affinity with the towering, broad-trunked Maples of the Forest of Doon and it is said that their often aggressive passion is because of the link between Foyruszii and the red-leaved Maples.   While the Foyruszii did not focus on spiritual matters in the same way as their Foyverii counterparts, their sensitivity to the Forest (other locales where Element Erdé ruled) simply drove them to focus on action and possible solutions to problems. Usually, however, a balance of both Green- and Red-Leaf advice was needed to return the balance to the Elements.  
Chronicler's Note:
This view flies full in the face of some (non-Woodsmen, the Chronicler is at pains to point out) who attribute their angry streak to the influence of non-Foyii blood in their family lines. But were this true, then the offspring of two Red-Leaves should be slightly less aggressive or passionate than their parents. In reality, that same so-called anger is present and is rarely lessened. Only where a Foyruszi/Foyruszà had a Foyveri/Foyverà life partner were offspring of a softer nature than their Red-Leafed parent (and, by the same token, more determined and hot-headed than their Green-Leafed parent).

Using Nature's Resources

Much of what the Foyruszii use is identical to that of the Foyverii. In fashioning their armour, however, they would mostly use the red Maple leaves. These never died, even when parted from their Tree, unless the Forest itself was sick or threatened. This meant their armour added layers of camouflage when in the Forest of Doon but if forced into the open by some enemy or other, created a strong visual impact.  
Evil Creatures
Where the Foyruszii differ from their Green-Leaf counterparts is that they tried to use as much as possible from fallen animals, regardless of whether they were deemed "good" or "evil". (See the corresponding section in the Foyverii article). Once a creature was dead, the life it led had passed. Thus, per Foyruszii tradition, what remained could no longer have any spiritual or moral attributes. Using the example of Wolves from the above linked section, here are some of the uses the Foyruszii had:  
  • Skins/Hides: quick armour patches (but not whole pieces), water-skins, weapon grips, tent repairs.
  • Teeth: barbed arrows, grapple ropes.
  • Bones: Spear, Staff, Bow components, hair pins.
The meat was unsuitable for the Woodsmen to eat, so they would either bury it (in the manner the Foyverii would), or cut it into smaller pieces for other animals in the Forest (if there were no Foyverii to oppose them). The native Blànfax would scavenge such meat.  

Other Aspects

For other aspects of the Foyruszii, you can find the corresponding section on the Foyverii as they are close enough to be identical.    

Naming Traditions

Family names

As with the Foyverii, family names were only relevant when dealing with nations beyond the borders of the Forest of Doon. Common choices were similar to the Foyverii:  
  • Ruszàn or Anrùsz
  • Foyrùszan
  • Foyàn or Anfoy
  • Andoon/Doonàn "of Doon" (which further translates as "of peace", "peaceful" or "of tranquility".
  The one they chose would be dependent on which was smoother to say after their first name. Thus, were it Calledth he would choose a name such as one of these:  
  • Calledth Andoon
  • Calledth Anrusz
  • Calledth Anfoy

Major organizations

  1. The singular form of Foyruszii could be Foyruszi or Foyruszà. This was not determined by the gender of the individual person, but was their personal choice - if they had one. Most did not mind either way. Those who have given a preference leads to the presumption that Foyruszà is used more frequently for females and Foyruszi for males.  
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