Elemental Binding

In centuries gone by the Elemental Binding quarter of Bezélan was known by its Foyiitùn name, but due to the erosion of the language, only reinforced by King Carnael II's Foyiitùn Language Ban Edict of the Foyii / Woodsmen, only its Common Tongue name is now remembered.  

Why Is It Called Elemental Binding?

To answer this, we need to look at each word individually:  


While Qal'ath itself had no established faith, or object of worship, it has historically tried to live at peace with the Elements and Nature. Thus, even in modern times (from 540AFD), it would not be uncommon to hear "thank the Elements" exclaimed in relation to good news. So Nature was generally respected and revered, even if it was not directly worshipped.  


The term Binding was agreed as it was deemed a "neutral" word. "Healing" was often understood in terms of magical or mystical methodology and "medical" could have been assumed to discount the existence of mage-craft. Thus "binding" meant simply that their job was to "put a person back together again".  

Where Exactly Is It?

The Elemental Binding rooms are found in the second circle of Bezélan, just South of the Public Court and East of the Pavillion.  

It's Less-Pleasant Purpose of Location

Because Elemental Binding could be found near the Public Court it had a less palatable set of duties. Prisoners who were to be judged were often less...carefully treated by some soldiers before their trial. Thus if said prisoners were deemed not worthy of exile or death, it was the job of Elemental Binding to rectify the failings permitted by the broken criminal justice "system".   The Binding chambres also stood in the shadow of Saf-Athan Palace, despite this being in the central "circle". It was in that circle that some military training took place with such hand-to-hand methods being designed to be as realistic as possible - including the real injuries of such training.   And, sadly, when a patient - whether a "normal" one or one who had been sentenced to death, did die, it was the compassionate staff of Elemental Binding who had to arrange things with the victim's family, along with the burial, cremation or committing to the sea of their dead.  

Who Works There?

It is staffed by a combination of herbalists, scientists and Elemental Healers (authorised mages skilled in the healing arts). This combined operation ensured that no one worldview usurped the other - and patients could choose the path they were most comfortable with.  

Work Ethic

Aside from striving to save any lives at almost any cost, a key element of how the workers in Elemental Binding treated patients and those who brought them - anonymity. Saving an enemy or a rival did sometimes happen - along with the occasional sparring or domestic accident, and thus it was usually preferred that the "deliverer" would not be identified to anyone except the person, or persons, directly treating the patient.   That said, anyone who found themselves in this position usually covered their faces to be doubly sure that a medic was not also an informant.  
Article Sections
Alternative Names
The Binding Rooms
Room, Medical, Apothecary
Parent Location
Owning Organization

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Fallen Down of Nectar Glen

Skirmishes and Schisms

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