Fyrkai - The Crystal of Flame ([fɪə:kai])

The Crystal of Flame is one of the Six Elemental Crystals (Sénaqaii) and is guarded by Frehghan of the Crystal Circle. It is housed within a thin silver band, or circlet, around Frehghan's head, which he has never removed since first inheriting the Crystal from the previous Guardian.


While, in theory, anyone could accidentally discover an Elemental Crystal, in reality only one sensitive to its Element actually did. The Crystal of Fire was uncovered by a leading Mage within Qal'ath around the same time as Ormàkai. Such was the timing of all the Elemental Crystals' discoveries that it was considered Fate.   Fyrkai was found in the Fyrohii range, more precisely on a slope of one of the volcanic Fyrousii, during the early post-First Destruction period when both volcanoes were calming but still active.  


The Crystal's physical description has been documented prior to and after its fashioning by goldsmiths into the item that houses it today.  

Its Raw Form

Unlike the other Elemental Crystals, the Crystal of Flame required no small amount of fashioning before it was incorporated into whichever weapon or adornment would house it. While such gems were often set into branches or metal brands, when Frehghan inherited it, he had an artisan weave a fine silver circlet around it which he wore on his forehead.
Chronicler's Note: Incidentally, Hera'llyn also had Aevyenkai worked into a circlet.
  The raw Fyrkai was long, rough and uneven, pot-marked with grit and difficult to work with. Interestingly, many Guardians of Fyrkai have also been more roughly-spoken and trickier to work with.

Its Final Form

The shape of the Crystal of Flame was determined by Fyrkai itself after ensuring all impurities were cleansed and rough edges polished. It was a teardrop in shape, meaning the wearer would more likely have the Crystal itself touching their forehead than the metal of the circlet. Given the so-called "Rule of Proximity", this worked in the Guardian's favour.   Remaining fragments and elements (with a small 'e') of the raw Fyrkai were worked into a created Fire Shard - one that had the power and appearance of a naturally occurring Shard. This would also be passed from one Guardian to their successor.   Some Guardians held this in their hands during usage, others, such as Frehghan worked it into their brands.

Element of Flame and Elemental Essence

All Guardians of Fyrkai document their challenges in avoiding Elemental Essence Degradation. All the other Elements could be found within Nature and not a great distance from the Crystal Circle Tower.   Unable to harness the sun, believed to be an orb of flame to guard the day, the nearest source of natural fire was the Fyrohii. That strategy worked for two Guardian Mages only because the Fyrousii became fully dormant not long after the First Destruction. Panic began to settle in to the then-guardian of Fyrkai.   In the end, many resorted to weeks away from the Realm visiting the Pekinous Anfyr, the very active molten lake in the heart of the Granohii an-Ethkiel (or "Great Canyon" in Common Tongue).   One unnamed Guardian of Fyrkai wrote:
It is the year 157AFD, ironically in the month of Fyrvà and I am making for Byantē territory. I inherited Fyrkai from my Master just two weeks ago and I am already starting to fade.   How did such an artefact begin life with such vigour in a place that rarely sees the flame of a campsite, let alone a spectacle provided by Nature Herself? Why too must we mortals commence life with fervour, only to allow our spirits to grow cold and faint?   But alas, that question will ever be asked, and my own is much more urgent. The reader may well ask why I travelled so far in my condition. It is a reasonable question. I come to petition the Dragons for aid. I know they will assist me, for I have studied their ways and I respect their strength.   The question is not will they receive me, but will I be present for them to do so? I can only hope that, if I am not, Fyrkai makes its way into the hands of one worthy.   Why did my Master never share his struggles? Must we put on a pretence in order to achieve acceptance? I think not, though many behave otherwise. Should this document be found by the Circle, or be delivered to them, the next Guardian of Fyrkai must know where to venture for sustenance: the Pékinous Anfyr, Vyaiàn Skalmàrii at dusk and anywhere with allied Dragons. I realised only when it was too late that I had chosen the furthest possible location, though at least I will not be required to climb.   I heard mention of a possible underground cavern system in Sablesand Dunes, but it was a rumour and I only have time to chase facts. I have replenished my water and grip my Fire Shard like there is no tomorrow.   There may be no tomorrow.   But maybe I can prevent another Guardian of Fyrkai from the same fate through a lack of knowledge.   May the Elements Guard you.

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