Kylàn-Fyr and Fyràn-Kyl ([ki:la:nfir])

Nearly all the Elemental Crystals enabled the Guardian Mages to produce some sort of shield. The Crystal of Flame was no different in this regard. Kylàn-Fyr was its version of Kyl-Y-Ormà. However, there are two similarly-worded fire spells in this document. It was intentionally documented this way in order to assist the reader in understanding the differences between them  




Its literal meaning is one of the simplest in terms of incantations: Shield of Fire (or Flame).  

Effect of Kylàn-Fyr

When summoned using Fyrkai, Kylàn-Fyr could have different outcomes, depending on the will of the Guardian Mage.  
  • To create a dome of fire over the caster - or a group of people, in order to protect them from something or someone that may not be able to pass through.
  • To form a curved wall of flames in front of the caster, often to repell or halt the onslaught of water, ice blizzard or other natural danger.
  • As a direct counter-spell for water-based attacks, including those of ice and spell-summoned fog/mist.

Shard Variation

This incantation can be used to any mage attuned to an Fyr-aligned Elemental Shard. This is due to the belief among mages that all beings are in tune with one or more Natural Elements, although only a small minority can harness that in spellcraft.   If Kylàn-Fyr is performed using an Elemental Shard, it is far weaker in its defence. However, it could be used as a "defensive attack", providing a means to harm a foe more than protect the caster.  


Many incantations have the same effect even if the word order differs slightly. This is not true of Kylàn-Fyr, because the word order changes the meaning, even in everyday Foyiitùn.  


Fyràn-Kyl translates as "Fire on the Shield" or "Fire of the Shield". Thus it can be used as an imbument spell, to add flames, or water/ice resistence to a pre-existing shield.   While temporary, it has been used in various battles and skirmishes across the centuries, to bolster shield-bearers' defences and enable them to push onwards to greater effect.   For safety reasons, only experienced warriors should carry an imbued shield into battle.

With Other Crystals

Fyràn-Kyl can be used alongside other incantations from other Guardian Mages. Multi-layer shields, while they should only be used in desperate times, can be fashioned with shields from Light, Fire and Wind.   It could also be used in a magical sense to the physical shields already mentioned: if Kyl-Y-Ormà were used to create an Ethereal Shield, then Fyràn-Kyl can render it an attacking weapon as much as a defensive one.  

Therefore Caution

Casters of these two incantations must, therefore, remain calm in the heat of the moment (if the reader will excuse the pun). All spellcasting exacts a price from the mage. A mispronunciation, or altering the word order, costs the mage more than intended and may lose precious moments in a battle in order to correct the error.    

Limitations (Kylàn-Fyr)

The effectiveness of this incantation is dependent on:  
  • Attunement Level:
    How attuned to Fyr the caster is, and on their link with the Crystal of Flame itself. As with all Elemental Crystals, the power to fully harness them is not based solely on holding them and knowing the words of the spell.

  • Experience/Concentration:
    More experienced mages will be able to create stronger shields. Maintaining them is more complex as it involves almost complete concentration to do so. This depends on the mage's innate focus, and on events around them. Thus, if a mage is forced to use Kylàn-Fyr, they cannot also carry out other tasks. This means someone else must defend them, if the context is battle.

  • Strength of the Foe:
    Whether that be another mage or Nature itself. This spell may provide refuges during a blizzard, but cannot hold back an avalanche, for example. If facing a water/ice mage (or Dragon), while Fire can burn off water, water can extinguish fire, so the effectiveness is dependent on a Battle of Wills.

  • Shard or Crystal:
    This has already been mentioned, but is worth repeating. A Shard will never be as effective as the primary Elemental Crystal, even in the hands of an experienced mage. That said, do not underestimate a Shard-wielder either.

Article Sections
Alternative Incantation
Kyl-Y-Fyr or Fyr-Y-Kyl

Fyrkai, or Fire Shard

Elemental Attunement
Ideally solely Fyr, but this Element being Primary to an alternative being secondary is workable.

Cast Time (for Kylàn-Fyr)
1 second to initiate, up to 10 seconds depending on the size and proportions of shield being summoned.

Effective Against
Water, Ice/Snow, Metal and Wooden Weapons. Elements may Naturally-occurring or Mystically Summoned.

Enhanced By

Compatible With

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