Aevyenkai - the Crystal of Air ([i:vyen:kaɪ])

The Crystal of Air

Compilation Date: Jylta 556 AFD, 4 NE

Màr’add Turarchusz
  The Crystal of Air is one of the Six Elemental Crystals The Elemental Crystals. This has the power to still or stir the wind, to lift beings and creatures that would normally be land-bound and has the capacity to bring both calm and destruction.  

Name Variations

The word Aevyenkai is unusual for Foyiitùn in that it has two consonants that are - in this pronunciation - incompatible. "enk" here is not the same as the Common Tongue word "ink". Instead, it is spoken as ee-vee-en-kai.   The reason for this name being its primary one appears purely linguistic.  
  • To reverse the "word components" would result in Kaiaevyen, which is ungainly to say the least. It would probably be reduced to Kaevyen. In any case, this would cause confusion: Kaivià is Foyiitùn for "How" (literally "which way") and a "k" on its own adds no clarity to the name.
  • Aevykai is a plausible alternative name, however and it is unwise to assume it was never used in speech. However, in any written documents, the full form is always retained.
Chronicler's Note: It should also be stated here that the name ought to be written Aevyenqai. See Sénaqaii - The Elemental Crystals for reasons why kai may have replaced qai.

Air and Wind

Although it has been mentioned in other places and documents, "Air and Wind" are also different words in Foyiitùn. While "Air" is Aevyen, "Wind" is Aevyten (Living Air).   For this reason care must be taken when spellcasting, even with an Elemental Shard, as the results of incorrect pronunciation may be undesirable at the very least.  

Physical Description

The gem is a pale blue-grey in colour, oval-shaped and smooth as though fashioned by decades of sea tides.  

Aevyenkai's Housing

At 553 AFD, it was housed as the sole gem in a circlet of pure silver.   Hera'llyn wore it all the time, save for cleaning her head or gently polishing the silver. As this metal is easily eroded, cleaning had to be gentle and with soft animal hide cloth - with the Crystal being afforded this same treatment.

Minor Deception

As we are post 553 AFD, I am safe in adding this note: Hera'llyn and, from what I can gather, most of her predecessors utilised a sturdy silver staff. Atop said staff was a large, blue, Crystal-like form. While it contained a naturally-occurring Aevyen Shard, the rest of it was manufactured.
Hera'llyn often used it in spellcasting, especially for easier - or less stressful - incantations and practices. However, in battle it was also a distraction - or deception, if you will. So obvious was the staff that many have been stolen by thieves hoping for the primary Crystal of Air.     Aevyenkai was - and still is guarded by Hera'llyn, the youngest of the six Guardian Mages of The Crystal Circle.   As with the others, the Crystal is usually passed down from Mage to apprentice mage.  

Discovery of Aevyenkai

Of all of the locations the Sénaqaii were discovered, the Crystal of Air's location was the most surprising. I beg the readers ear, or mind, depending on how you are absorbing this document's knowledge.  

The Geology of Mel-Ath

Under Mel-Ath lay the cliffs known as Gravensheer, where the Bùjaii Anfer is worked for its iron deposits and slate sheets. That is well-known and well-documented, given it is an active mine. What is less obvious is that deeper in lays a complex of tunnels, thought to have originally been created by the now-extinct Giant Rock Worms. (Skip Chronicler's Note ↓)  
Chronicler's Note:   The Giant Rock Worms used to seal the sides and tops of their tunnels and abodes with a secretion that even now we cannot break down. Even centuries later, the walls are sticky to the touch, and any attempt to scratch or cut through fail, because once breached, it seals itself. From what I've read, even the heaviest tools have been stuck to the substance and had to be cut or blasted off. Smaller ones, apparently, melt. Though craftsfolk do tend to overexaggerate the losses of their implements, in my experience at least.   If we could harness a similar substance for our ships, we would lose fewer supplies to sunken vessels. Even the Elelupii, initially eager to attempt this, gave up as they were unable to take even a sample back to their laboratories for tests.   The floor of the tunnels proved impractical to mine also, the stone having been compressed over so many years. While not deemed "impossible", without a provable lode to be gleaned, it still lays untapped.
According to preserved records from around 75BFD, the Crystal of Air was found here, under the ground, surrounded by rocks, a more fitting place for Erdékai than Aevyenkai, one might presume!   However, the expedition sent to map those now-abandoned tunnels reported an uncanny wind howling through them. These came "in waves", with the noise "like a wolf howling". From the plans recovered and the initial layout of Mel-Ath provided by the Crystal Circle (using The Lens), it appears these winds originate from atop Mel-Ath's plateau and descend into the tunnels.   This is especially feasible when high winds sweep South down the Wilderness of Tarran, creating a "suction" effect.  

How This Relates to Aevyenkai

The team sent to map the tunnels was comprised of a mage, two miners, an Elelupii coordinator and a scribe (much as myself). They record that, after an Ur of utter stillness in the tunnels, they were met by an opposing Wind with such force, that the Mage is quoted as having said "Nature is angry with us." It seems they stood their ground with their arts while the rest ran - or were swept - out. Just as the Mage turned to also depart, a stone hit them on the forehead, embedded itself there and killed them outright.   Once the foul winds had died down, the Mage was extracted for burial rites - at which point, the stone too was removed, cleaned and given to the first guardian of the Crystal of Light for study.   That stone became known as Aevyenkai, able to influence the air and wind - and also named as a gesture of warning never to underestimate the only unseen Element in Nature.  

Aevyen-aligned Creatures

For the sake of brevity, here I will differentiate between those that are reliant on (or sensitive to) Aevyen and those that are formally aligned with it. The difference is that alignment usually brings enhanced, or sometimes unique, abilities.  
Being able to judge the breezes and ride the winds is of course a prerequisite for all flying creatures. This includes birds, Dragons, insects and hybrids.
However, special mention is needed to those that, being Sensitive, can also manipulate the Air. Such skills involve Far-Song, Wind-Cutting, Non-Verbal Aevykyl and others.

Summary of Mystical Uses

Here is not the document to detail specific incantations, for a summary will do none of them justice. Separate parchments will follow. However, in terms of Mystical uses, particularly by Aevyenkai are:  
Creates a barrier, or shield, of air or wind. Can redirect some physical attacks and protect, or interfere with certain mystical, or mental spells.
Mist Manipulation: Summons clouds of fog that obscure the view of those behind it, and in front of them. This is particularly strong if paired with the Guardian Mage of Ousiikai.
Mist Manipulation: Summons clouds of fog that obscure the view of those behind it, and in front of them. This is particularly strong if paired with the Guardian Mage of Ousiikai.
A wind variant of classic levitation. Due to its Elemental nature, larger items (or people/creatures) could be suspended above the ground than typically possible with the non-Elemental variation.
Soothing Breeze:
A calming use of Aevyen/Aevyten to still various situations, though most commonly rampaging creatures or rioting people. This is particularly potent if coupled with Erdékai for land-bound creatures or people and Ethkai'el for airborne ones.
Ground Wrench:
only to be used in desperation, Ground Wrench and related incantations tear rocks, stones or other embedded items in order to 'throw' them to a different location. Such uses may be against an adversary, to speedily build a barrier or dam or to create a hole for some purpose. Casual usage of this interferes with Erdé so should not be used unless all alternatives have been explored.

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Alternative Names
The Crystal of Air, The Crystal of Wind, Aevykai, Aevyqai
Current Guardian
Notable Spells
  • Aevykyl
  • Naerd-Atai
  • Sy Senz-Ai is particularly potent with Aevyenkai.
Discovery Location
Bùjaii Anfer

Discovery Location
Qal'ath Ikà Doon Region Map
My "core" region, which includes Qal'ath, The Forest of Doon and The Verdant Hills - Bevérohii. These areas are the focus of book one of The Chronicles of Qal'ath.
Item type
Current Location
Current Holder

A Vital Element
One need not be a scholar to realise that the Crystal of Air is vital to Savàni and all living things on Her surface. Many creatures require it to breathe while winged beasts and birds would suffer were Aevyten cease to move.   It has been thought that only Three of the Six Elemental Crystals were critical to survival: Ousiikai, Ormàkai and Aevyenkai, so long as the ground beneath us stayed intact.   Aevyen is also connects Ethkiekai (the Crystal of Sky) to Erdékai, while in the form of Aevyten (when all is roughly in balance) it ensures that too much rain does not fall in one location, which would result in flooding.   The primary danger if Aevyen were to take on an uncontrollable, rampaging form, is if it encounters unrestrained flames. Such a collision results in, as one can imagine, forest fires, general destruction and, if near a camp or settlement, loss of life.

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