Kyaevy ([ki:vi:])

Kyaevy is a Kyadd, whose ancestral roots lay with the Deenfeiss Leen clan. Despite this, Kyaevy is actually a White Woodswoman (or White Woodsman, see Woodsmen and Genders) and lives in the Brùha Foyblànii and an integral part of the Foyblànii.  

Meaning of the Name

While Kyaevy herself says she is "adopted", she has been with the Foyblànii since she was a cub. As such, she has no recollection of what she may or may not have been originally named at birth, or even if she had been named. Kyaevy is a Foyiitùn name made of two word components:

  • Ky: a prefix that denotes someone of a feline race (e.g. Kyadii) , or a close alignment with one.
  • aevy: a shortened form of aevyen or aevyten, meaning "air" and "wind".

An Unusual Kyadd

"'Kyaevy' is no Rarshk name," one stated in surprise, before realising it sounded insulting.   "That is correct," she affirmed, "and I am not offended by your...shock. Kyaevy is an adopted name, acquired through how I respond to nature and how it responds to me.
Forgiveable Misspelling
Some - and I acknowledge that even this Chronicler is counted among them - misspell Kyaevy's name. It is not uncommon to see Kaevy and she is very forgiving of this. I had to check with her, of course.  
Names have meaning, and to some that guides their life. Others' names have meaning for those that gave birth to, or raised them. Both spellings sound the same to my ears. To criticise someone over the exclusion of one letter of my name... seems very wasteful of the resources of our life essence when that is exceedingly finite indeed.

Comparing Her Appearance Differences

Compared to the Kyadii Farynna and Klor'asq, Kyaevy appears more tiger-like, even though she is descended from the same clan as Klor'asq.  


Farynna's family in Sablesand was considered a "lesser clan" even before the incident that saw her father killed and her family torn apart (See: Kindness in Anguish) . While all were capable of fighting, they preferred stealth over strength, an unusual trait in the Parrtrof Teeg.   That skill is arguably important in the hunt of food or enemies, but is wholly unsuited to the paw-to-paw combat trials at the Proving Circle. Even so, their lack of physical strength gave them softer features. Add to that Farynna's service to the Crystal Circle keeping her from fighting and hunting, and her appearance and usually her demeanour are more akin to gentle felines.


Klor'asq, is descended from the Deenfeiss Leen Kyadii, who on the whole are more lithe and accustomed to using camouflage and the shadows in their hunts. But in a hunt, a kill must follow, which was often better suited to the other, more muscular members of the clan.   It was from those lines that the clan leaders usually emerged, though the leadership of the clan usually involved a chief and at least two, more stealthy, co-leaders.   As with Farynna, Klor'asq was adopted into to the Crystal Circle. While he is softer-faced than many of the Deenfeiss, he has retained something of their snarl.


Compared to these two, Kyaevy's life is physically challenging. Not only is it clear she is descended from the stronger lines of the Deenfeiss Leen, but in the Brùha Foyblànii, all the Foyii take part in patrols, fitness exercises and the cutting of wood. On top of that her role in the Hawk-Riders requires a certain level of upper body strength to remain steady on her Great Hawk's back.   While it is true, as with Ayàvi, that her legs are stronger than her arms, Kyaevy is usually considered an "all-rounder".

How She Came to the White Woods

No one was willing to share anything close to a full story - or even a synopsis. Suffice to say that either Kyaevy was found on the border of Frostplain and the Brùha Foyblànii by one of the White Woodsmen, or the cub had somehow made it to the Woods by herself.   She was raised by a system of "Collective Care, Collective Accountability", meaning as many people as possible tended her wounds, fed her meals, trained her to hunt, help her grow in herself and give her the freedom to discover who she was. She was always afforded the option to leave the Woods if that was her desire.   While this system meant the Kyadd became strong and secure, she found it painful seeing "blood families" together. Instead, she found comfort in and a sort of family with The Hawk-Riders and developed a particularly strong bond with Ayàvi.    



Even estranged from others of her race, Kyaevy's healing ability came partly by instinct and partly through training. She could sniff out plants and insects that would make medicinal cures, often only using her Healer's Branch as a last resort.   Note: Kyaevy had also dual-purposed her Rzarchprl to be both a mêlée weapon and a healer's brand (or half-staff).


It's laughable, if you stop to think about it. A tiger-cat riding on the back of a Hawk! I'm just glad it's about partnership, and not merely transportation.
What was not laughable was the stunning synergies created with that partnership - especially with scouting. While Kyaevy's vision in the air could not outmatch a Great Hawk's, once under a Linking Spell, the pair could see for miles.


This Linking was draining, but could be sustained by the pair for a long time. This allowed them to work in different areas, and reconvene - while also communicating information and intelligence.   This feature was exceedingly rare for the Hawk-Riders, making Kyaevy crucial for many scouting forays and would put her on the aerial frontlines in any battles in the future.


If you think the best form of attack starts with a strong defence, then Kyaevy would be on your side. Drawing on Light, her version of Kyl-Y-Ormà was particularly potent.   This also meant it tired her out more, but she did not know how to cast a weaker version, and would not see the point in doing so.  
If a shield is required, why not provide the best you can give? To not do so is a greater risk, both to the one who should be shielded and to your credibility and usefulness as a Mage. Who wants the death of a friend or ally on their conscience, simply because they thought a lesser shield would suffice? Not this Kyadd, I tell you.
Elemental Shielding
She also developed a type of "elemental shielding", one that could create an ethereal "coat of armour" against the Elements, or to reverse the negative effects of the weather or atmosphere on a person. She was never fully satisfied with it and would never be drawn into doing so for the sake of convenience.   However, during the events that sparked the Foyii-Qalathii Schism, she exerted herself too much. Combining this experimental method with pain dissipation over a large number of Deenfeiss Leen rendered her unconscious (see Skirmishes and Schisms, Chapter 9), narrowly avoiding a worst-case of Elemental Essence Degradation.    

Mêlée Fighting

It is worth noting here that she did not abandon her physical training. She kept her claws sharp by climbing trees, her upper body strong in The Hawk-Riders and her legs agile on patrols.   Over time, she learned about and crafted her own Rzarchprl. While a weapon foreign to the Foyblànii, there were enough similarities to allow her to train with the spear-wielding Woodsmen. Though, truth be told, many were afraid of her weapon, given the sharp protrusions characteristic of the weapon.  
My claws are sharp, but I use them for threats, not to draw blood. Just don't tell anyone I said that. The idea of another person's lifeblood on my claws shakes me to my core. May the Elements take me if I ever choose to bring that about.
  Kyaevy did not enjoy using her Rzarchprl in this manner and eventually took to stealth and kick-fighting if she had to resort to physical attacks. While it cannot be proven, she was likely the first Kyadd to build a Rzarchprl with its primary purpose being an instrument of healing.    


While the Kyadd would openly discuss weaknesses, if under pressure she could easily forget they existed.  
  1. Over-selfless: it is said that a healer who forgets themselves is worse than having no healer at all. Kyaevy could be described as "over-selfless" - thinking only of others in certain situations and completely forgetting her own needs, protection or health.

  2. Shielding Faith: no Mage is all-powerful and she would laugh if you accused her of giving herself that title. Although any spell's direction is dependent on intention, its potency is ever dependent upon the casters capacity. While the Kyadd would talk herself down, she wanted to believe her ability to shield anyone from anything, ignoring her capacity. Some have wondered if her desire to protect anyone from harm is a repressed memory from before her adoption and have spent all of her life helping her realise that injuries will happen and that if nothing harmful ever happened to someone, they would not become stronger.

  3. Under-studied: for one who wields potent forms of Light-spells and can cast stronger shields, Kyaevy does not give much time to studying her arts. Her best friend Ayàvi is actually no help in this either, as she is also too focused on the practicalities and physicality of their lives in the White Woods to have time for books, tomes and pens. While it has done little damage so far, not understanding spellcraft, its pitfalls and drawing on others' experiences may be her biggest problem. Not that anyone knows how to give her time, space and, mostly, the resources to study. And none wishes her to leave to study elsewhere for fear of what her absence could mean for the Foyblànii.
  Despite these drawbacks, Kyaevy is generally a happy Kyadd, willing to help and always gives her best to her roles. It is because she has mastered Foyiitùn and is aware of the Natural Elements around her that she can outperform her studied knowledge. She is friendly and fiercely loyal to her clan and her friends, but do not mistake her gentle demeanour as a weakness.
Article Sections
Elemental Alignment
Aevyen (Active), Ormà (Passive)
Name of Hawk
Languages Spoken
Foyiitùn, Common Tongue, Sky-Speech, a small amount of Rarshk
Primary Weapon
Mage's Branch
Secondary Weapon
Current Location
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Wide-eyed, slow-blinking, icy-blue with the feline "line pupil".
Light grey, with pale blue strands.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Downy, white fur with pale blue streaks.
Aligned Organization

Featured In
Kyaevy is a key character in the events of Skirmishes and Schisms:  

Skirmishes and Schisms

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