Réjan ([reɪ:ʒa:n])

A Réjan was the second highest rank within the military of Qal'ath after the Royal Guards1 and, though comprised of predominantly Paràntii, both male and female officers were represented.

Vyonai - the Title

Pronunciation: [vi:jo:naɪ] (vee-yoh-n-aye)   While Réjan was the rank, it came with an interchangeable title - Vyonai, a Foyiitùn-derived term, based on:
  • Ona: first
  • Aivyt: sword
  Therefore, a subordinate to a Réjan may address them as:
  • Réjai: meaning "my Réjan"
  • Vyonai: (my) First Sword
  • or simply First Sword using Common Tongue.

Linguistic Note

While splitting one word into two word components was rare, it is important to remember that Foyiitùn had been de-emphasised by successive Kings of Qal'ath, especially Carnael I and Carnael II. This led to them using it when and how they pleased, while subconsciously still ensuring the newly-formed words were bòlà.   ^ Article Sections


Taking on the role of a Réjan was one never to be taken lightly, or for self-focused reasons. It was because of this that some - arguably many - eligible soldiers chose not to put themselves forward for a promotion, as we will discuss now.  

Becoming a Réjan

While having experience was a prerequisite of being made a Réjan, no rank was forced on any member of the military, save in times of desperation. The principle was that:
"knowledge alone did not make an officer - one needed to desire the position and have the willingness to serve well and carry out the required duties beyond the minimal requirement."
(A Theory of the Exemplary Soldier, p 385, various authors).
Thus, a Proven soldier2 in the military of Qal'ath may have twenty Ana of service, while a Réjan of the Elite, may only have ten. Anyone who did not desire the rank was never forced - or even cajoled into taking the responsibility.  


The minimum requirements were:  
  1. Having risen through the ranks from that of Private3.
  2. A minimum of seven Ana of uninterrupted service, with no demotions in that time.
  3. Proven loyalty to the King through a personally glorious act, or through a trial mission as leader.
  4. Having mastered two fighting styles to demonstrate adaptability on the battlefield.
  ^ Article Sections


The Réjanii could occupy any number of positions, and this list serves only to show examples of those:  
  • Seconds-in-command on the field of battle.
  • Leaders of small squads of soldiers.
  • Heading up infiltration teams.
  • Trainers of lower-ranking military personnel.
  • Solo mission Specialists.
  • ...or even something as "simple" as guarding the gates to The Throne Hall of Saf-Athan Palace.
This last point may have sounded like the easier of all the available options, but being constantly in close proximity to the King also raised the likelihood of displeasing said ruler. The consequences of doing so were far-ranging, from demotion to exclusion from the military and even to death, depending on the cause.   ^ Article Sections


The Ear of the King

Having said that a Réjan risked death when working closely with the King, if one were sufficiently loyal, it opened up the opportunity to share one's opinions with him. Moreover, a Réjan, either directly or through a Royal Guard, could influence military exercises or strategy, while not being burdened with the risks (nor the rewards) for the success or failure of that strategy.  


Naturally, a rank increase led to an increase in pay, though the numbers have never been recorded. What has been laid in various documents in the Bezélian Archives is how that figure could be paid:  
  • In actual coin.
  • In additional food supplies.
  • Through additional days of leave.
  • Access to the training halls for the Kyjushii and Mìshòndii, with an option to select one or the other as a personal pet. This would count for an Ana's worth of additional coin, after which they must select either coin or regular, extra food supplies.


While some soldiers below that of Réjan continued their civilian lives in their own homes, others took up residence at Bezélan's military quarter. This was divided into various rooms, two of which were utilised as homes for those wanting or needing them. Promotion meant a Réjan could choose between remaining in the Proven quarters, or move to the so-called "Elite Quarters". These were larger, had easier access to the Capital and the Mustering Hall and shared no walls with the lodgings of Neophyte or Proven ranks.  

Further Promotion

The final benefit is obvious to most, but for completeness: successfully serving as Réjan was the only route to becoming a Royal Guard, save a random appointment by the King.   ^ Article Sections

Notable Holders

See: Secrets.   ^ Article Sections

  1. Article on Royal Guards and the Qalathian Military are in the works. ^ back up
  2. The military was divided into three overarching groups: Neophytes, the Proven and the Elite. All of these groupings contained two or more ranks within them. ^ back up
  3. This was true even if transferring from another nation's military. Being a Byantē General or Foyii Clan-Head gave no advantage when entering the Qalathian army. The only difference is that, if transferring from an allied military force, the soldier would enter as Private, rather than the untrained rank of Neophyte.^ back up
Article Sections
(only see one option?)
Civic, Military, Generic
Form of Address
Alternative Naming
First Sword
Equates to
Shevezz: Centurio Inferra
Kyadii: Seer
Elelupii: Under Chief
Source of Authority
Royal Guard , Carnael II
Reports directly to
Related Locations
Related Organizations

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