The Crown of An'béz'el

The Crown of An'béz'el is a relic of Qal'ath that has survived since the nation's founding, though it has undergone many re-workings and re-forgings over the centuries. While it is largely ceremonial, it is a circlet-style adornment that can only be worn by the reigning monarch, or occasionally, in the crowning of one should the new King-in-Waiting prefer a lighter option to other crowns available in the collection.  

Meaning of the Name

An'béz'el, to those who are unfamiliar with ancient history, was the original centre habitat of the Aevyormii, before Senzàn-Fai brought his army, defeated them and pushed the remnant from their lands, settling and taking control of the various sources of water.   It takes little intelligence to see that he renamed it Bezélan, and thought to have been bestowed this title on it when its original wooden walls were completed.  

Not of the Aevyormii

The Crown itself did not originate from the Aevyormii, as that species (as far as we can tell from the few we are aware of in the Lands) and its modern-day lesser Raven cousins have little time for adornments. However, the iconography of the crown finds all of its roots in the former The Nectar Glen.  


Either side of the centre gem are what most nowadays presume to be leaves - thought to have been an acknowledgement of past alliances and friendships with the Foyii. However, if you look closely, these are, in fact, feathers. In essence, the very identity of the former inhabitants of what is now Qalathian territory, was worked and engraved into its most priceless relic.   The centre gem is a so-called Star Sapphire - found only under hills and mountains in Frozen Wastelands. Yet this jewel is not what makes it valuable.   From the records we have, the original Crown of An'béz'el was said to be adorned with shards of a "Crystal Tree"1. Not much was written about this in Qal'ath, save the following abstract:  
She held us all at bay by her willpower alone, for her body was failing. Yet it was the smallest thing, the shattering of their crystal tree, that led to their defeat and our victory.
by FJ Brodie
Chronicler's Note: It is both sad and sickening, when one considers how many Aevyormii must have perished at the Battle of Nectar Glen, that Qal'ath's original founders felt it reasonable to emblazon their feathers into their own symbols of power.   We would, rightly, be disgusted if another race were to take some of our territory and make designs of Parànti hands or feet on their crowns or sceptres.   When compared that way, while we may think to have a noble history, we may have been no less tribal or barbaric at heart. I take no pride in that aspect of our heritage. But it should not be hidden, simply because it is unpalatable.
  We do not even know who wrote this and the stone carving with these symbols makes no further reference.  

Is It True Today?

This is a question applicable to many contexts! However, in this case, I refer to the question of whether the "shards" are still from that same Crystal Tree.   The short answer is: anyone who knows doesn't tell, and anyone who passes a direct answer doesn't know.   The founding was something around a millennia ago and and whether the original shards contained some power has been hotly (and somewhat incessantly) debated since the First Destruction. Its ultimate power lay in its symbolism: by utilising the conquered civilisation's symbols and placing them on the King's head, they showed who had subjugated who.   But modern Kings of Qal'ath have cared little and less about ancient history. And, since the Qalathii-Foyii Schism of 545AFD, King Carnael II has refused to wear this crown for he too believes it to depict leaves. One version of the crown purposefully had the feathers colours in green pigment so as to emphasise them as leaves, not feathers.  
The solid silver Crown that is part of Qal'ath's founding history. It has taken on a few appearances and this one shows blue feathers.
Another form of the Crown of An'béz'el utilised green pigment so as to show the feathers as leaves.
  This King has always preferred weightier jewellery regardless, so would likely have not used it often even if the "leaves" meant something positive to him.  
References and Notes
  1. The Crystal Tree: Addendum: I have recently come into possession of a file of dispirate documents, stones and scrolls, thanks to a contact in Shevezz City. Some are, in fact, annoted by a being called "Kanda-Nor", who may be a scholar of some kind. They also refer to a "crystal tree", which shattered. They recount that much appeared to turn to dust and was blown North or North-East, but heavier pieces fell to the ground, along with their leader. I will ponder on these things further and add to these notes when I have something more substantial and substantiated to add.
Article Sections
  • Solid Silver
  • Crystal Fragments
  • Star Sapphire
  • Szòltapii Velvet (used for comfort on the inside)
Engraving By
H. L. a-E.
Item type
Jewelry / Valuable

Fallen Down of Nectar Glen

This is the story of how the original Qalathii invaded and captured the lands of the Aevyormii to found the nation. But that was not the only thing the Founding initiated.  
Fallen Down of Nectar Glen
Prose | Sep 11, 2022

The founding of the new nation of Qal'ath requires King Senzàn-Fai pushing out the native Aevyormii. But a powerful mystical shield protects the centre of the territory. How both sides respond to the other will set how their nations will be built.


Interlocking Symbol

by FJ Brodie
Chronicler's Note:
I have given some thought to this symbol, which is repeated a further three times on the Crown of An'béz'el and compared it to other engravings, especially on the Stones of Myrn and other minor relics from around the same time.   While conjecture, I believe it to be educated conjecture to say that it reprents togetherness, co-dependence and possibly equality. This pattern creates an equal and opposite one. It is likely that whoever crafted the first Crown, whether for Senzàn-Fai or his successor, knew that the early Qalathians needed to be united.   The current emblem of Bezélan has two equal patterns set against each other. I will leave it to the reader to determine any possible conclusions that may be drawn.
by FJ Brodie
The original crown concept and sketch is my own. I then passed it through the AI tool at to give it the realism.

Read Other Works:

Fallen Down of Nectar Glen

Skirmishes and Schisms

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Coloured Pencil Drawing © FJ Brodie of The Desolation of the Crystal Vale, a myth in the Chronicles Of Qal'ath Fantasy Fiction writing
The Desolation of the Crystal Vale by FJ Brodie (Me)


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Dec 30, 2023 10:57 by Clementine Dehning

Very interesting piece, would love to of seen more of a breakdown on how it looks and all the cultural reasoning for the views surrounding it. But nevertheless it is rather detailed!

Trans Rights are Human Rights
Jan 16, 2024 12:54 by F. J. Brodie

Thank you - that's helpful. I'll add it to my notes for future development!

F. J. Brodie Writing The Chronicles of Qal'ath, doing my own artwork and fighting chronic pain.