The Rule of Proximity


Experiments of Enhancing and Diminishing Power
by Frehghan of the Crystal Circle, c 515AFD

  The so-called Rule of Proximity can be quickly summarised as  
Users of Powers - and Uses of Powers - are stronger the closer they are to their sources.
  While an over-simplification, it is nevertheless an accurate description.  

Examples of Proximity

Instead of offering a more detailed definition, I thought offering examples of how this worked in practice would be of greater use to the casual reader.  
  • Elemental Mages, especially Guardian Mages need time in their natural elements to prevent Elemental Essence Degradation.
  • The Sword of Sky is almost never carried by Jakarrn. While she can draw on its power, any incantations derived from it are weaker than would be the case if she had it on her person. All Guardian Mages were sensitive to their Crystals, allowing them to roughly pinpoint their positions, unless another force or spell blocked them.
  • I am, I hate to admit it, deemed slightly more powerful in Fyr than Hera'llyn is with Aevyen, despite us both wearing our Crystals as jewellery. This is because my Crystal touches, and has effectively fused into my forehead some years ago. Thus it is no poor reflection on Hera'llyn's capacity. Indeed I would advise not crossing or underestimating her, or the power of the Wind.
  • Incantations are stronger when the caster is closer to manifestations of their related natural element.
"You don’t have my Crystal for I am sensitive to it."
(Polarnis, "Wrenched", Fleeing the Tempests)

The Exception

Ormàkai - the Crystal of Light - is the exception to the rule about proximity to natural elements. Ormà-based spells (including some healing incantations) are stronger at night-time, or in the shade or other sheltered place.  

Mage Proximity

The Crystal Circle sometimes uses Linking to be able to work with each other despite geographical distance or spread of the mages. The distance between individual mages creates a power fluctuation which is nearly impossible to measure.   The greater the distance, the more concentration is required, or more time is needed if the strength of the incantations or communications is the primary focus. It should also be noted that longer distances make such Links far more draining, meaning individual Guardian Mages need varying amount of recuperation time before they can operate at full capacity once more.
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Fallen Down of Nectar Glen

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Coloured Pencil Drawing © FJ Brodie of The Desolation of the Crystal Vale, a myth in the Chronicles Of Qal'ath Fantasy Fiction writing
The Desolation of the Crystal Vale by FJ Brodie (Me)

Cover image: by F J Brodie


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