Y'kàndrà Nùor ([ika:ndra:])

Kàndrà Nùor (a.k.a. Kanda-Nor)

Y'kàndrà Nùor (who often referred to himself as Kàndrà) enters the history of Qal'ath and the Erdàn Savànii around 350BFD, not that it was known as that at the time. He was a Fire Mage, of the old "Elemental Order of Mages", which was more about individual identity than organisation.
This write-up is a complete spoiler of Fallen Down of Nectar Glen.

Personal Details


Home Town

There is no formal record of where Y'kàndrà originated from. However, his family name of Nùor is almost certainly a shortened form of Nùormà (North) or Anùorma (northern). Thus, tracing the path of Qal'ath's descent into the Erdàn Savànii, he may well have hailed from around the now-ruined villages North of Frostplain.


While he was formally linked with the Followers of Fyr, his proactive worship of that Elemental was lacking, per his own admissions in later writings recovered. He preferred to assume the power behind his magicks was lent rather than granted and was the first within his Academy to suggest that mages who drew on nature must take time to replenish their reserves for their own good and for the preservation of the natural order.

The Battle of An'béz'el


Recruited for Conquest

Of Parànti descent, it is estimated he was in his late 30s or early 40s at the time he was recruited by Senzàn-Fai to help him conquer the centre habitation of the Aevyormii. An'béz'el was situated where various fresh water sources convened before rejoining the Grànousii-an-Ormàszil Ocean. While Senzàn-Fai's force had superior physical weaponry, he lacked any knowledge or capability in his squad against any magical attacks.


Lured by the promise of land and the establishment of a mage training camp in the new realm, Y'kàndrà joined them on the conquest of The Nectar Glen. Being focussed as he was on the Element of Flame, and feeling most alive in Its presence, his home town in the frozen North (somewhere) left him restless. So, despite holding a position of responsibility in the Mages' Academy, he set forth with Senzàn-Fai in the hope of a better - and warmer - future.


Although his involvement proved not only pivotal, but mission-critical, Y'kàndrà became disillusioned with not only Sènzan-Fai, but how the majority of those under him had undertaken the invasion. Peaceful delegates were killed on-sights, unnecessary killing was everywhere and structures that could have served Senzàn's settlement were senselessly razed. As the battle to take the very centre of An'béz'el reached its height, the mage decided the only way to stop the senseless slaughter was to defeat their leader - She of the Few - as slowly as possible to allow others to flee.

Using a combination of Erdé (ground/rock) and Lightning attacks, he eroded her essence in fragments, while fighting back tears of anger and regret at the pain he was causing Her.

As the Crystal Tree of An'béz'el shattered, that relic of symbolic importance for the Aevyormii signalled their necessary withdrawal from their ancestral home via teleportation magicks.

Thus the land was conquered but a permanent rift between the mage and the "new realm" had opened.


After a final altercation with the would-be king, declaring he wanted no part in the "Qal'ath" he was going to build, Y'kàndrà use a Stone of Passage left by the Aevyomii to discover their withdrawal location.

He arrived to what he thought was a ceremony of parting (the Aevyormii leave no physical presence upon death) when what he wanted was to see he had narrowly avoided causing She of the Few's demise. As the remnant of Nectar Glen's people placed Lunarblooms on Her body, it was to Y'kàndrà that She first properly addressed upon reawakening.

While the mage would not call it a reconciliation, She declared that, while the Aevyormii had the right of revenge, they should not take it. Thus was Y'kàndrà spared their wrath before they flew East.


The Mage was left broken, bereft and with no direction until one of Her feathers landed on him. He resolved there and then that Senzàn-Fai's new kingdom would not grow unchecked. Detecting the faint ethereal trail left by She of the Few, he allowed the Elements to carry him until the trail ran out.


After the Battle

Writings recovered from Zykyrn Pilkarrz are still being deciphered, but it is believed Y'kàndrà initially settled in a camp between Pilkarrz and Bé'jaiber'ghas (Grànath Rensédaii), which gave him a view of both that town and the walled city-state of Shevezz.  

A New Name, after a Fashion

Records in Shevezz (thank the Elements for obsessive record-keeping in the Queendom!) acknowledge the existence of a personage named as Y'kàndrà Nùor and another naming himself Kanda-Nor with no overlap. As "Kanda-Nor" features in Pilkarrzian history as the founder of their post-cleansing order, and the recorded intention of Y'kàndrà to inhabit that place, we have assumed he took on the name of Kanda-Nor.   One possible reason was a simple case of pronunciation, especially with the Shevezzi, whose native language is harsher and less undulating than that of Foyiitùn.
Section Menu
390 BFD 324 BFD 66 years old
Place of Death
Zykyrn Pilkkarrz
Followers of Fyr
Chronicler's Note:
From what we can gather, Senzàn-Fai was openly derisory about mages and sorcery. While Y'kàndrà should have taken that as a warning, he instead assumed it was a lack of education and exposure on Senzàn's part and had hoped that, by winning the battle, it could steer the new king's logic.   Unfortunately, that is not the only king to not change their mind when presented with objective facts.   I doubt we will ever see the end of such flawed thinking either. But it is a reminder of the "Iron Minds" of people are not always ours to change.

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Read Other Works:

Fallen Down of Nectar Glen

Skirmishes and Schisms

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