Zykyrn Pilkarrz ([zI:kɪən:pIlkɑːz])

Zykyrn Pilkarrz

Chapter or Section Divider, based on the emblem of Bezélan

By The Chronicler
556AFD, 3NE

  Embedded into the small mountain range South of Ousethkyiel and East of Bruhaii Aunàn (the Shadow-wood), stands the fortress of Zykyrn Pilkarrz. Although the territory it controls almost matches that of the Queendom of Shevezz, most of it is land, save for the houses of those that call Zykyrn Pilkarrz home, is either uninhabited or mountainous.  

Geographical Location

Please forgive the slightly-smudged map. The Bezélian Archives were not willing to provide elementally-stale chambres for my research, forcing me to trace my own copy in less-than-ideal conditions.
The "Fortress Village" is built into the mountains of the Great Canyon (Grànohii-àn-Ethkyiel), South of the Ousethkiel. The core village is walled off, but so is the wider zone controlled by whoever commands the Fortress itself.   Being where it is, is the primary reason why the lands beyond the Estpòr Navia remain the "Unknown Lands", or Erdàn Rensavànii, in Foyiitùn. While there appears to be a wide road through their territory, a combination of fear and the, frankly, imposing walls have made approaching it nigh impossible to date.   But the unknown is rarely so forever. It is simply a matter for the right generation to unveil it.
Territory Boundaries: Qal'ath Ikà Doon
While Book 1 does not cover this entire World, this is the context which Books 1-2 finds itself in. This is the area referred to as the "Known Lands", a term found in Book 1.
  While there appears to be a source of water, it has been known as the "Bitter Pool" in all the records I have found. Interestingly, I have not been able to discern why it was called that, whether it was literal or metaphorical, or who first named it. With no writings to dispute that, at this time, I will simply continue referring to it as such.  

"The Sorcerors": Rumour or Reality?

The reason that Zykyrn Pilkarrz has few known inhabitants at 553AFD, is because it is believed to be home of the Zyrkyrnian Sorcerers. Little factual information is known of this organisation within the Qalathian borders and that has led to two polarised responses - disinterest (or ignorance) and wild speculation.   It being behind the Shadow-wood, with a "river" that leads to the Bitter Pool, only a few stones' throws from the Grànath Rensédaii does not help cultivate the correct form of intrigue for a so-called rational state as Qal'ath. Phrases such as "Black Wizards", "Dark Sorcerers" and "Evil Witches" have spawned various children's tales, artworks - and worse - rumours about what is, for most citizens, simply "the unknown".   Aside from their walls, the obvious Fortress and the river, the only other factual observation I can note about present-day Zykyrn is that it does appear to be a Mystical Order. While not everyone is dressed in robes, some are, and those in blue are often seen being followed by those in other colours, or in more citizen-like attire.   For the safety of the Friend who risked themselves in the name of science, I will not state precisely how this knowledge was obtained.  


Chronicler's Note: This research was only possible after 553AFD. It was undertaken mostly in the Shevezzi Libraries. To call them 'grand' and 'wealthy in knowledge' would be an understatement few could match.
  The reason such dark stories exist about this fortress village have a root in oral tradition. It refers to what inhabited the location prior to the first state acknowledging it as a settlement.   After asking the right people - and sometimes the wrong ones - I was able to track the Elelupii at Natex Alchemitech. They had a tome - a rare one at that - which was written by "The Unnamed Mage" shortly after the founding of Qal'ath.   While it is uncertain exactly what Zykyrn Pilkarrz looked like on the outside, the Unnamed Mage's description of what was happening inside was disturbing to say the least.  
"She of the Few had warned me about entering Zykyrn and I knew she was right to do so. What I had not known, for I could not have, was the immensity of the horror I would have to cleanse. That such a place existed on Savàni has led me to question whether the Elements were really guarding our Orb, yet it was in those same Elements I had to trust.   Blood-red spirits, unnatural fire, eye-burning violet fog, rivers of waters within the mountains created to appear as blood, crazed Ravens diving and swooping at phantom threats - wishing to escape but having their wills directed by other forces. At times, the howling and sinister laughter that echoed through the physically-empty chambres threatened to rend my hearing asunder. Trying not to retch from the stench that pervaded the entire structure, I pulled my hood over my fate and magicked a mask that would appear as abhorrent as their actual visages. And from the outer gate I began my work, not knowing how many years it would take. Each step would bring me closer to a Source, a thought that terrified me.   I was grateful to have the assistance of Another. Though she currently knows little of conversation our synergies and companionship have more than made up for it. Speech would come. The work couldn't wait.   Whether I would be able to establish my Watch-guard over the Erdàn Savànii depended on my success. I was not welcome, but I had just survived a battle where humans had made the same blood-chilling cries, growls for the blood of their enemies and gulping in the destruction. No spirit could be more evil than the leaders of those humans who claimed to be righteous."
Article Sections

The Founder?

Chronicler's Side Note:
While it is not explicitly stated, I believe the "founder" (if he would take that as a title) of Zykyrn Pilkarrz was a male mage by the name of Y'kàndrà.   Sources within the Queendom of Shevezz from around 1AFQ make mention of a man by that name asking for assistance in healing and preservation methods as well as, I quote, "making something good out of precisely nothing". His entry documents, precisely one Ana prior, mentioned his spellcraft but that his primary reason for requiring access was for "refreshment, self-healing and reflection, after having survived a battle."   As he was unknown in Shevezz City at that time, it follows he was new to the area. How he came to be there, I cannot surmise. There were no recorded battles, or even skirmishes on this side of the Ocean at that time - save for the battle of An'béz'el - the founding of Qal'ath. Thus, I can think of no better candidate for the title of the "Unknown Mage"
Founding Date
Approximately 5AFQ (After the Founding of Qal'ath). While a structure of some sorts existed prior to that date, it could only be called a "settlement" in the truest sense after its cleansing.
Alternative Name(s)
Est'd 100-200.
Inhabitant Demonym


It is interesting and disturbing in equal measure that The Lens could not penetrate the walls of Zykyrn. It is the one recorded failing of that device and speaks to the strength of the defence magicks at work there.

Featured in Manuscript

Zykyrn Pilkarrz is mentioned towards the end of Fallen Down of Nectar Glen, a short account of the "battle" that began the founding of Qal'ath.

Fallen Down of Nectar Glen

Image Credits
Header impression was created after a few iterations of Canva's AI tool "text2image". The humble title strip was all I contributed in this case.

Read Other Works:

Fallen Down of Nectar Glen

Skirmishes and Schisms

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