Region - Desolate Hills Geographic Location in Qinla'Un | World Anvil

Region - Desolate Hills

Lying in the center of the western continent, the Desolate Hills are mostly barren, with very sparse areas of oasis that have been cultivated by the nomadic groups living in the region, especially the The People of Kurn.


The majority of this region consists of desolate and arid hills spanning over large distances. Few areas of flora exist, though the local fauna find ways to survive by using caves and migrating between the various oasis' throughout the region.

Gaia's Scar

This massive ravine spans over 50 miles in length, and the bottom cannot be seen from the surface. This is said to be the emergence point of Chaac the Destroyer, and thus rumors have endured for over a thousand years that a gateway to the Plane of Earth resides somewhere deep in the ravine, and the appearance of earth elementals in the area basically confirms this. However, the exact location of the gateway has not been mapped officially.   Other than the earth elementals found wandering this area, many forms of planar earth mephits can also be found here, as well as the rare Dao.  

Salt Flats

The smallest and most desolate area in the region, these salt flats are almost completely devoid of life. Winds in the early morning can be quite intense, and nights extremely cold. Flash floods are fairly common as well, and most travelers do their best to make their way in and out of the area as quickly as possible, avoiding an overnight stay when possible.  

The Bonelands

A vast area filled with the bones of creatures that migrated to this location to make it their final resting place. It is unknown why beasts and monstrosities choose this place to take their final rest, but thousands have done so across the entire continent. This has also led to some creatures taking advantage of this area as predators. More than a few sandwyrms have been known to lie in wait for other beasts, weak and at the end of their lives, to prey upon.

The Dry Spires

A expansive region of moderately tall spires of rock, this area has the most abundant flora and fauna of the entire region. Although coined the Dry Spires, there is actually quite a few freshwater springs throughout the area which draw many beasts, both predator and prey. Traveling through the area can be somewhat dangerous for an unprepared group as predators seek out any life they can find, though typically they are not extremely dangerous. Clans of kobolds are known to live in the area and do not migrate like the other locals to the region.


Overall the region is considered a badlands, with little rainfall, high winds on the open plains, and rare but powerful thunderstorms
  Temperatures during the day are quite warm around 85F degrees, with nighttime temperatures dipping as low as 60F degrees.
  High winds are common on the open plains to the north and east, as well as in the west near the mountain ranges. This is especially true in the fall and winter seasons. In the spring and summer, powerful thunderstorms

Fauna & Flora

Sapient Species

Migrant groups of orcs, humans, tabaxi and goliath from The People of Kurn are seen traveling the region often, setting up camps at various places including the multiple oasis'. Herds of migrant minotaur are also a common sight on the plains. Though more rare, herds of gnolls have also been seen on the plains, though their run ins with the other migrant groups have dwindled their numbers over the years.   Within the Dry Spires, clans of Kobolds reside, some aggressive and some not depending on the type of dragon they worship. Kobold drake riders have been seen roosting on the spire tops at times.   Also roaming the area between the large spires are a single warband of dust goblins living inside a massive mobile siege engine. The warband sometimes visit Bogrum's Refuge, though their appearance usually illicit annoyance by other migrant groups. Their chieftain, a male goblin named Plecs, is well known and even feared for his surprising intelligence and knowledge of ancient lore.   Some groups of shire giants and even the occasional hill giant clans have been spotted in the region as well, mostly near the western mountains. Trade between all of these groups is common, though mostly takes place at Bogrum's Refuge as it is a safe neutral zone for all migrant groups.  


Across the hills and open plains, a few large beasts live and migrate between the oasis'. The massive karkadann beasts are a rare sight, but their haunting wails can be heard for many miles. A solitary creature, the locals refer to them as the "Lords of the Desert". They are particularly hateful of elephants and similar beasts which are commonly found being herded by local hill giants. Locals afflicted by disease are known to seek out karkadann resting locations in the hopes that their innate abilities to heal will somehow save them.

Commonly found in the various oases across the region, capybear can be found in very large groups of ten to forty. They feed on the grasses, reeds and low-hanging leaves and any other readily available vegitation in the oasis. Locals have learned through observation that although they seem like large rodents, hey are actually quite intelligent with the ability to communicate and coordinate with each other. Their language is composed of barks, chirps and growls which prove nearly impossible to decipher outside of magical means.
  Many other creatures populate the vast arid landscape of the region. Locals speak of massive creatures they call Khargi protective of insects in the region, thus it is tradition to treat all insects with respect.  

Plants and Herbs

Plants and herbs that grow in arid environments are the most common in the region. Travelers in the west are likely to see mountainous plants, while those delving into Gaia's Scar are likely to encounter cave plants. In the oasis' of the region tend to have plants from forests or swamps growing.

Natural Resources

Minerals, Crystal and Stone Resources

Cerulite Crystal
When the rare but powerful storms strike the region and then clear away, traveling tribes will quickly move in to see if any cerulite crystals have been formed in the aftermath. It is not known why the rocks and stones of the region form into these crystals more so that other regions when lightning strikes them, but the locals are very fond of the riches they can gain by gathering the rare stones.  
Along the western border of the region near the mountains, as well as near Gaia's Scar, many travelers have reported finding veins of obsidian peaking above the dusty landscape. It is thought that many thousands of years ago, the mountains to the west were active volcanoes that have long since gone extinct, but their remnants remain for those with a keen eye. As for Gaia's Scar, the veins of obsidian are even more evidence that locals use to support the claims of a portal to the Plane of Earth.  
The final piece of evidence that points to a portal being nearby, this extremely rare material has been said to be found deep within Gaia's Scar itself, with only those willing to brave the deapths able to secure any. Any attempting to recover this material should be prepared to face elementals from the Plane of Earth as they hate the material and the danger it represents to them, along with any creature who wields it.


  • Region - Desolate Hills
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Bogrum's Refuge

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