Harvesting - Minerals in Qinla'Un | World Anvil

Harvesting - Minerals

Minerals found on Qinla'Un that can be used for trade or crafting.   To locate minerals in an area, the DC is determined by how abundant they are in the area, and how rare the material is itself. If a character doesn't know the location of a material, it can make an Intelligence (Nature) check and spend 30 minutes to try and find it in the area. Gathering the material takes time, roughly an hour per unit, and could include a basic (DC 10) Strength, Constitution or Intelligence check to remove without the proper tools. With proper tools, a gathering check is not needed.

Ore Descriptions

A shiny black metal, known as one of the hardest substances in existence and impervious to scratches. Extremely rare and sought after by many members of the Arbiter's Guild and Ferron's Legacy for members of its leadership. Known ore deposits were found by the Legacy members who first appeared in the Northern Continent, but after being forced from the region a few hundred years ago, a new source in the south has yet to be located.
Armor: Used to craft the adamantine armor.
Weapon: When you hit an object with an adamantine weapon or piece of ammunition, the hit is a critical hit.
A bright white metal, soft to the touch yet very resilient. Typically found from golden meteorites and in areas under the influence of powerful good-aligned entities such as the Aasimar of Andel who have been using the metal for millennia to arm and protect their frontline soldiers.
Armor: An armor or shield made with aetherium reduces the radiant damage you take by 1d4.
Weapon: A weapon or piece of ammunition made with aetherium is considered magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance to nonmagical attacks and damage against fiends or undead. On a hit, it deals an additional 1d4 radiant damage. Additionally, when you hit a fiend or an undead with an aetherium weapon, you can roll the total damage again and use either result.
Cold Iron
This iron is worked entirely while cold, and gleaming with a frigid blue hue. Known to be found in the deepest depths of the ocean and among the frigid landscapes of the northern continent. Commonly used in weapons made by the Abyssal Tritons and merfolk that live in the open ocean.
Weapons: When you hit a fey or a fiend with a cold iron weapon or piece of ammunition, you can roll the damage again and use either result.
A block and scorched ore, emanating an aura of chilling darkness. It is cold to the touch and seemingly reflective, but nothing but darkness reflects back. Used by many blood hunters within the The Wild Abyss, especially those who commonly fight the undead.
Armor: An armor or shield made with ebonite reduces the necrotic damage you take by 1d4
Weapon: A weapon or piece of ammunition made with ebonite deals an additional 1d4 necrotic damage.
A glimmering white and silver metal. Lighter than standard steel, and cherished by artisans for its beauty. Commonly seen not only in the armaments of the soldiers of Andel, but is also used in the construction of their airships. Due to its abundance in the Black Sand Basin, the aasimar are also more likely to trade or sell the ore to outsiders.
General: Items made with mithral weigh half their normal weight.
Armor: An armor or shield made with mithral doesn’t imposes disadvantage on Dexterity (Stealth). If the base armor has a Strength requirement, the mithral version of it doesn’t.
Weapon: Two handed weapons made with mithral lose the heavy property and all the other weapons gain the light feature.
A blood red metal, coveted by devils for its use in infernal armaments and its additional benefits against celestials. One of the most common items traded to the devils visiting the Black Spire, and used in many armaments of the blood hunters and warlocks of the city.
Armor: An armor or shield made with netherite reduces the necrotic damage you take by 1d4.
Weapon: A weapon or piece of ammunition made with netherite is considered magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance to nonmagical attacks and damage against celestials. On a hit, it deals an additional 1d4 necrotic damage. Additionally, when you hit a celestial with a netherite weapon, you can roll the total damage again and use either result.
Bronze-orange in color, and sought after for its ability to absorb magic. The largest mine is known to be in the town of Silverwick, though recent events have made the mine much more difficult to access.
Armor: An armor or shield made with orichalcum reduces the force damage you take by 1d4. Additionally, whenever you make a Saving Throw against a spell or spell effect, you have a +1 bonus on that roll.
Weapon: A weapon or piece of ammunition made with orichalcum deals an additional 1d4 force damage. Additionally, when you hit a creature that is concentrating on a spell, you impose disadvantage to the Constitution saving throw it must make to maintain concentration.
This ore is always found covered is moss, with an aura of drifting spores around it. Found in the most spore covered areas of the Sleeping Mire, most creatures cannot withstand the toxic nature of the region to even harvest this material. Also known to be used in a variety of weapons used by the Yuan-Ti of Hlondeth and what remains of the Deep Ones.
Weapon: A weapon or piece of ammunition made with plaguesteel deals an additional 1d4 poison damage.
A gleaming metallic source and treasured for its unique properties against certain types of creatures, such as the undead or Lycans. Found in many places across the world, though some regions have much larger veins and mines.
Weapon: A weapon or piece of ammunition made or coated with silver can overcome resistances and immunities of some creatures, allowing the wielder to actually deal damage to those entities (such as lycanthropes).
A mysterious black ore found is extremely dark regions. A settlement in the Sleeping Mire was the first to locate a vein of this ore, but once its usage became known, many frowned upon its use. Soldiers from Andel have commented that this substance has been used by The Leng against the aasimar in their millennia long war.
Weapon: When you hit a creature with an umbrite weapon or piece of ammunition, it can ’t regain hit points until the start of your next turn.
Gleaming with an ethereal darkness, and shifting with nebulous colors of blue and purple and green, this extremely exotic ore has rarely ever been seen. The only sources ever found were from meteorites that struck the new world when the old one was destroyed over 300 years ago.
Weapon: A weapon or piece of ammunition made with voidsteel is considered magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance to nonmagical attacks and damage. On a hit, you deal an additional 1d4 force damage and 1d4 necrotic damage, and on a critical hit, you can roll one additional weapon damage die when determining the extra damage for a critical hit.

Crystal and Stone Descriptions

A luminous light-blue crystal reminiscent of glass. Commonly used by the crafters of Andel and Ahshala.
Weapon: You can use your Dexterity modifier for attacks and damage made with an aerocrystal weapon.
A serene teal-blue stone, reminiscent of the shallower waters of the ocean. Commonly used by the Abyssal Tritons in their crafting of armaments, along with many species of merfolk also favoring the stone. Much of the decorative aspects of The Coral Abyss are also made from aquastone.
Armor: Replaces the metal. While wearing a medium or heavy armor (non hide) made with aquastone, swimming doesn’t cost you extra movement, and your speed while swimming increases by 10 feet.
Weapon: Any melee weapon made with aquastone doesn't have disadvantage on the attack rolls while underwater.
Arcanite Quartz
This dark blue crystal serves as a remarkable conduit for magic. Commonly used material in Sequine, and it is said the city is kept afloat by the use of one massive piece of arcanite quartz.
General: Arcanite quartz shields and weapons can function as an arcane focus for spells.
Weapon: Items made with arcanite quartz are considered magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance to nonmagical attacks and damage.
Cerulite Crystal
A rare crystal formed when lightning strikes a particular rock and instead of obliterating it, the rock melts and rapidly crystalizes, capturing the lightning inside of it and changing its color to a shining dark blue. Most commonly found in The Wandering Hills where powerful thunderstorms are quite common on the open plains. Known to be used by tribes of gnolls and quagga who live and explore the region.
Armor: An armor or shield made with cerulite crystal reduces the lightning damage you take by 1d4.
Weapon: A weapon or piece of ammunition made with cerulite crystal deals an additional 1d4 lightning damage.
A heavy, marble-like rock with earthy hues. Commonly used to craft ceremonial armor for dwarves. After moving to the new world, groups of dwarves settled in various regions of Qinla'Un and founded underground towns and possibly even cities. The locations of these places have largely been kept a secret, but they are known to have been built using large amounts of dwarvenstone found in The Tempest Wetlands.
Armor: An armor made with dwarvenstone weigh one and a half their normal weight (rounded up). Wearing a dwarvenstone armor grants you advantage on checks against being knocked prone or moved against your will. If the wearer has a Strength score lower than 15, their speed is reduced by 10 feet.
A black and semi-translucent stone, with visible areas of bright red glowing areas that resemble lava flowing inside. Large fields of these stones can be found in western parts of The Infinite Wasteland, as well as all over Molten Cove Island. It is thought that the ancient Darakhul empire used Ignum as their primary resource for armaments before their empire mysteriously collapsed.
Armor: An armor or shield made with ignum reduces the fire damage you take by 1d4.
Weapon: A weapon or piece of ammunition made with ignum deals an additional 1d4 fire damage.
A black to deep purple glass-like stone possessing incredible sharpness. Formed through the rapid cooling of volcanic lava. Huge swaths of The Black Spire are made of obsidian as the mountain it was carved from is the primary source of it that is known. Rarely it can also be found in the mountains bordering the Infinite Wasteland and the Desolate Hills, and is known to be used by multiple tribes of hill giants and orcs in the region for armaments.
Armor: While wearing a medium or heavy armor (non hide) made with obsidian, any creature that grapples you takes 1d4 slashing damage.
Weapon: A weapon or piece of ammunition made with obsidian deals an additional 1d4 slashing damage.
An ethereal, softly-glowing stone that radiates with an aura capable of disrupting elemental creatures. Thought to be created when a portal to one of the elemental planes is torn open on the material plane, and when found is the likely sign that one of these portals is nearby. Creature who live near one of these portals will sometimes risk a trip nearby to gather the primordium to help defend themselves against the elementals that may pour from the portal.
Weapon: A weapon or piece of ammunition made with primordium is considered magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage against elementals. When you hit an elemental, you can roll the damage again and use either result.
A translucent lavender crystal that resonates with ethereal energy and is known for its unique ability to channel psionic and psychic forces. Known to be located near the homes of gemstone dragons, which are also very rare in the world.
Armor: An armor or shield made with psionite reduces the psychic damage you take by 1d4.
Weapon: A weapon or piece of ammunition made with psionite deals an additional 1d4 psychic damage.


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