Great Step Harbor Settlement in Qinla'Un | World Anvil

Great Step Harbor

Large main harbor for imports and exports of Sequine. Nested in the massive footprint of Chaac from his rampage over 300 years ago.


Due to the transient nature of the town, the demographics are a great mix of many different races. Human, dwarves, elves and goliaths are most common, with some okiti and genasi every so often. This town also sees frequent visit by local firbolg tribes that live throughout the The Endless Roots.


The city is primarily run by a tabaxi named Thunder in Clouds (Thunder). Thunder and the previous runners of the town have gone by the name Governor since its founding. Thunder makes most dicisions for the town, though on large situations that could impact all the citizens of Great Step Harbor, a town meeting will be called at the Ferron's Legacy temple.

Industry & Trade

  • Turtleback Shipping Co. - This company is the primary shipping company for exports and imports to Sequine. The company is run but a tortle named Gruaga. Gruaga has been in the shipping industry for a long time, and has many guards that protect his shipments, most of which are rangers and druids. This company handles nearly all trade goods between Sequine and other towns and cities.


Places of Note

  • Dark Claw Inn - Run by a male drow couple named Godrin Alerret and Seladal Alerret, this inn is typically kept very dark, with dim torches and a smoldering fireplace being the only source of light in the main hall. A very large carapace decorates the wall above the fireplace, roughly 12 feet wide and 6 feet tall. Rooms typically run at a rate of 5 silver and can hold up to 3 people comfortably.
  • Armageddon Keg - Run by a blue skinned kobold named Kinich. Kinich is an odd character, constantly reminding people of his past encounters with them, even if they have never met him before. Odd contraptions line the walls on display, with Kinich bragging about the amazing things they do (while they all look completely useless).
    Specialty Drinks

    • The Countdown - 5sp, A silver liquid tasting of sweet berries and a hint of mint.
    • The Meteor - 15gp, Red colored spicy liquid with hard yet chewable black crystals that taste of blackberry. Gain resistance to fire damage for 1 hour
    • The End of Days - 50gp, Gold colored liquid that looks to have floating streaks of black. Close observasion of the streaks reveal what looks like ghostly faces...Become immune to necrotic damage for 1 hour. Side effects may vary.
  • Arbiter's Guild - Local location being run by a human male named Sebastian Beaumont. Sebastian has dark hair, tan skin and a friendly but stern demeanor. This location is filled with artwork depicting the Battle with Chaac, a massive battle that the founder of the Arbiter's Guild took part in over 300 years ago. This Arbiter's Guild location also has specialized martial training facilities as the center outside portion of the building is a master training course meant to test the absolute best martial classes.
  • Ferron's Legacy Temple - Run by Mirgarak, a massive male minotaur and Zuetian in the Legacy. By his side are two relatively new Hermenon, a female dwarf named Bronra Grunhehk and a male lizardfolk named Sastilla.
  • Great Step Overlook - This large tower just north of the Legacy temple was built during the early days of the towns founding. The site was considered a site of power thanks to the scar left by Chaac, and this tower is the only place in town where the entire scar can be viewed. Sastilla is often found meditating here.
  • Talon Harbor - Main harbor for the town and primary source of goods to and from Sequine. Run by a male tabaxi named Leaf on the Water (Leaf), who is the brother of Thunder. Inspections are strict in this harbor, so smuggling is not recommended.



  • Blitzy's Booze - Alcohol and refreshment shop run by Blitzy, a charasmatic and typically tipsy female tiefling. Blitzy exports fine wines all over Qinla'Un from her private stock located in the basement of the establishment.
    • Glowfire Wine - 13gp, glows slightly and tastes of summer pears. +2 to Charisma saving throws for 8 hours.
    • Elven Wine - 25gp, light yet fruity. Drinking a full cup cures the Poisoned condition.
    • Gods and Demons - 35gp, a dark red wine tasting of spicy dark chocolate. After drinking this wine, your eyes glow red and you have advantage on Charisma based skill checks and saving throws for 8 hours.
  • Steel Skins - medium and heavy armor shop run by a male goliath named Ergmul "Hornbreaker" Kulumigane. Ergmul is a talented armor crafter with a stern attitude. Enjoys his craft and easily makes friends with others who enjoy crafting.
  • Mystical Magical Menagerie - a magical creature shop run by an excentric female tortle named Odol. Odol was once a ranger, but settled down here in Great Step Harbor after years of adventuring.
  • Nightly Tools - This shop skirts the line between legal and illegal goods, and tends to get regular "inspections" by the local Legacy Temple. Selling thieves tools, and run by a Grippli named Jaxl. Jaxl is a dark skinned member of his race, and is a jittery little fellow. Much of his inventory is limited, but the right person may be able to see an expanded inventory...


  • Great Step Harbor
Founding Date
320 ANW
Large town
Vehicles Present


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