Region - The Infinite Wasteland


Maw Lands

This vast area of the region makes up the majority of it and is covered in tall sandy dunes. High winds in the east create massive sandstorms at certain times of the year, but the stifling heat is the most impactful for travelers.   The Maw Lands get their name due to be the primary hunting grounds for the massive Desert Maw beasts, huge underground sandworms that stalk the sands for prey to feed their endless hunger.   In the southwest, the remains of a vast, but long gone, civilization can be seen peaking out from the sands. The tops of many pyramids, obelisks, and other ruins are common. The exact nature of this civilization has been lost to time, but locals say that they once belonged to a empire of Darakhul, intelligent undead from long ago.  

Infinite Spires

This entire region has massive, tall mesa's, towering over 1000 feet high in some spots. High winds pummel any travelers that try to make their way through the area by air, while massive purple worms tunnel below the surface on the ground waiting to swallow any creature whole that they feel traveling by foot. Atop two of the largest mesa in the area is the city of Raptor's Peak, home to two species of avian humanoids.   Mines of gold, silver and gemstones dot the area, all controlled by the avians of Raptor's Peak. These are heavily guarded, though not from thieves but rather against attacks by purple worms.   Also drifting along the high winds are the rare Wind Dragons of the area. Most are young and still growing, but the ancient Zefraza, The Air of Life is also known to reside among the spires.  

Shattered Shards

Once the lands belonging to an ancient empire, now lost and buried in the sands, this area has been ravaged by some kind of magical catastophy. Massive shards of Ignum are scattered all across the landscape, along with massive fissures spewing toxic and superheated fumes. Violent storms of red lightning, blasts of magical energy, and random spontaneous fields on anti-magic appear and dissapate without warning.   All creatures of the region avoid this area at all costs, as travel here is near impossible and will likely lead to an early death.

Localized Phenomena

Within the area known as the Shattered Shards, the magical weave of the world has somehow been torn asunder. Local tribes say this happened a very long time ago, in the age of the Darakhul Empire. Something they did sundered the area of their captial and literally tore the fabric of reality apart for the next few milennia.
  The area is constantly in a state of magical flux. Near crevices', creatures may encounter superheated noxious fumes superheated noxious fumes. Spontaneous lightning storms are also a constant threat, and those caught in them tend to find themselves on the recieving end of a powerful blast of searing lightning . Others will find a sudden silence overtake an area, and vast areas will be covered in a blanket antimagic field, as per the spell with the exception of the radius typically extending thousands of feet in radius.


The weather in the region is extreme, with daytime in the direct sun exceeding 110F degrees and nighttime temperatures . Creatures traveling in the region during the day are under the effects of scorching heat, while at night they are subject to freezing cold. Many areas of the region are also subject to high winds, especially in the Infinite Spires where the wind can really pick up speed as it travels between the tall mesa's.
  The high winds in the Infinite Spires tend to bring about massive dust storms that scream across the Maw Lands to the east, all the way to the sea. Visibility in these storms is basically zero, and the dreaded Desert Maw worms and even groups of Purple Worms tends to follow these storms, hoping to find a meal along the way.
  Strange phenomena is very common in the Shattered Shards, with storms of red lightning, flares of magical energy and massive areas of anti-magic fields being possible.

Fauna & Flora

Giant sandworms, known locally as Desert Maw, are the most feared creatures in the region. They come in a variety of sizes, though the smallest seen in the wild was still over 100 feet long. Travelers throughout the Maw Lands should be wary and attentive to vibrations in the sand, as they predict the coming of a Desert Maw.   Purple Worms are also a common threat found mostly in the Infinite Spires where they can avoid deadly interactions with the Desert Maw of the open dunes. The area has become so concentrated with the creatures, that is it common for travelers to encounter two or more of these creatures at a time, ensuring a horrible demise.   It is also fairly well known that various sand dragons live in the region, with rumors that an ancient one named Sofian, the Desert Hurricane residing somewhere in the region.   There have also been odd rumors of entire dune drifts swallowing traveling caravans completely. It is thought that this was Desert Maw's, but the description from survivors says there was no sign of one prior to the attack, it just happened out of nowhere and seemed like the sand dune itself swallowed the travelers whole. It is still unknown if these stories are true...   In the Infinite Spires, there is known to be a collective of Wind dragons living among the massive mesa's. The dragons, though not evil, do not welcome the company of any travelers outside the people of Raptor's Peak.

Natural Resources

Within the Shattered Shards, Ignum can be found in abundance, but most avoid the area as it is extremely dangerous to travel.
  Within the Infinite Spires, sources of Obsidian can be found, and often mines are already setup by the people of Raptor's Peak, though they are typically guarded or hidden to outsiders. It is thought this area used to contain one or more small volcanoes that long ago went dormant. Mines of gold, silver and copper are also common in the area.


It is unknown just how long ago it was, but sometime more than a thousand years ago, this entire region was dominated by the Darakhul Empire, an empire of intelligent undead ghouls. These creatures were originally from the old world, and are in fact the first creatures to have traveled from the old world to the new world so long ago, though at the time they had no idea the two worlds were so close together. Not much else is known of this empire, other than its downfall being caused by a group of adventurers and thier direct assault on the royalty of the empire. The cause of the destruction of the small bit of that empire that existed here is not known for certain, but it is believe the sundered Shattered Shards area is a remnant of whatever happened to the empire.


  • Region - Infinite Wasteland
Included Locations
Region - Infinite Wasteland
Purple Worm
Desert Maw

Articles under Region - The Infinite Wasteland


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