
The primary rank within Ferron's Legacy that most recruits strive to earn. Rising to this rank takes years of study, travel, and knowledge. Most Zuetian's will take on apprentices after gaining the rank to pass on their knowledge to the newest members. Very few Zuetian's are chosen to rise to the rank of Chronin.


Attaining the rank of Zuetian not only requires years of training and travel, but also a following of people who believe you have done good in this world. Rarely does a member of the Legacy attain this rank without first gaining the support of locals from some region of the world. Once the Chronin of the Legacy have determined you have done enough to earn this rank, they will typically send the member on a particular task, usually one of significant danger or importance to solidify their loyalty.


To protect their assigned locality, or train new recruits in the ways of the Order.


Members who attain the rank of Zuetian typically are assigned a locality to be the low enforcement for. Regions picked usually fit the personality of the Zuetian to keep them invested in the well being of the locals.
Religious, Special
Form of Address
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