The Fog Covered Town

Civil action

14/3 3:00
14/3 23:00

The party arrive in Blackwater, a mid sized town on the coast of the eastern continent. They eventually find places to stay for the roughly 150 townsfolk from Silverwick that they were able to teleport with them, though some end up having to stay in the local brothel where there is room for them.
The party gets some rest, and in the morning are introduced to multiple people within Blackwater, including Bethri and Aariah, who own the Uptight Demon inn, Krenic, the Zeutian of the local Ferron's Legacy temple, and Nithyis, the mysterious owner of the Sirens Grotto brothel.
While the party enjoys exploring the town and meeting the locals, Cyprin happens to spot a suspicious goliath attempting to ambush someone in the streets. He jumps to the defense of Aariah, and attempts to protect her from the assailant. During the battle, Cyprin witnesses a powerful blast from Aariah that obliterated the goliath and nearly killed him as well.
After escorting Aariah back to the inn and getting more information about what is going on with her, he rejoins the party to relay the information, just in time for Elkol to arrive and explain that he has secured a vessel to take himself and the party, if they choose to go, to the Port of Havengar, with it leaving the next evening. The party decides they will spend tomorrow investigating this mystery of Aariah, while Cyprin also has some personal business to take care of...

As the party arrive after their teleportation to Blackwater, they find themselves in a basement, their feet covered in water and about 50 townsfolk around them. They quickly assist the townsfolk in getting upstairs and find themselves inside of the Seal & Fork tavern, with one of its owners, a strange looking grey drake, currently yelling at Elkol for bringing all the townsfolk through the portal.
The party quickly gethers the people of Silverwick up and takes them to the local inn, the Uptight Demon. Int he inn, they party meets Bethri and her wife Aariah, a half siren who seems to be able to easily attract peoples attention. There they are able to find rooms for about 100 of the townsfolk, while the rest are taken to the local Arbiter's Guild by Niko, and the local brothel, the Siren's Grotto, by Khalgor.
While Khalgor enjoys the brothel, the rest of the party spends time exploring the town and doing some shopping. Gabbi, after seeing him once after the teleportation, attempted to locate Quott, but could not locate him once the townsfolk had been split up. The party then gets some rest until mid afternoon.
Cyprin decided to check out the local smith as expected, and met its owner, Erevan. He is told about how a Deep One last visited this town about 150 years ago, but has not been seen since as far as Erevan remembers. As the party wakes up and does some additional exploring, Cyprin attempts to spy on the brothel, but is caught by its owner, Nithyis. She intimidates him into leaving, but his curiosity allows him to witness a shady looking goliath leave the brothel and head into the docks area of town. Cyprin decided to follow the goliath as he felt he was up to no good.
The rest of the party headed back to the Seal & Fork tavern to catch a performance by Aariah, who easily brings the house down with her voice. After the performance, the party relax in the tavern, figuring out what the next move is: Head back to Nightbarrow, stay here for a while, or go to the Port of Havengar with Elkol. They feel it is likely that the mayor of Silverwick is not quite dead yet, at least not until the party can locate and destroy his phylactery if he truely was a lich of some kind.
Shortly after the performance ended, Cyprin sees Aariah returning to the inn from her performance. The goliath thug suddenly approached Aariah and began accosting her about "taking up her offer". Cyprin quickly stepped in to defend the young girl when the thug began to threathen her with his weapon.
A short battle began, with Cyprin taking significant damage from the thug. In a desperate bid to attack Aariah, the thug charged at her, but in a moment, Aariah's necklace flashed a red energy and the thug was obliterated into dust, weapons and all. Cyprin was partially caught in the blast and neary killed himself.
He escorted Aariah back to the inn, and in a converasation with her, learned that Nithyis has been trying to get her to join the brothel, and has resorted to sending thugs to intimidate her into the job. She is happy with her wife and would rather not work at the brothel.
Cyprin then returned to the party at the Seal & Fork, and explained the situation. Just then, Elkol found the party and explained he was able to locate a ship called the Classless Maiden which will be taking him and Scarlett to the Port of Havengar at 6 pm the next day. The party decides that they will spend the day trying to help Aariah, then leave with Elkol to Havengar to hopefully recuit some help to deal with the mayor of Silverwick.

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